First chance for a run since Monday though I've been doing my daily work outs and walks. Had mum kids so after my work out the dog and I headed out. All going well and decided to take a different route. Felt good until 15min in by 20 I was struggling. I had to stop at 21 minutes feeling like I was going to be sick gasping for breath... feel such a failure. Should I go back and do week 6 run 2 and then try again? The route like most of the ones I take was hilly and the way back was uphill. Normally I do uphill most of the way out so its downhill coming back. I feel such a failure. Any advice?
Week 6 run 3 - fail: First chance for a run... - Couch to 5K
Week 6 run 3 - fail

Most importantly are you ok?
Yes by the time I'd walked for a minute or two I had my breath back and walked the way home just feel a failure
Try not to feel that way. You have done amazing to get this far. We all have a few set backs on the way. Have a days rest and try again. You are not a failure - you're out there doing it. Well done, keep going 👍

Interestingly my rubbish run was when I changed my route. When I returned to my usual route, normal service was resumed! I avoid any incline as I am just not ready to add anything to what is already a challenge. Chin up! Draw a line and keep moving! You can do it! 👍🏼

Only 1 bit of advice .. not even sure it’s advice... it’s more of a fact....
you did not fail!!! It’s week 6... I don’t like week 6... but it pains me that You feel like you do so I’m sending you a virtual hug 🤗
Point to note - I couldn’t even do hills so pat yourself on the back for having courage to do them! They scare me!
I so don’t like how hard you are on yourself!
Repeat W6r3 which you CAN and WILL do!
Can’t wait to read that post! You will be buzzing!
Thank you. I've found this week hard not helped by work being extra busy and the small humans hard work. We're off for a bike ride after lunch and I'll try this run again tomorrow when they go to their dads. Trying to fit it in around a 5yo with additional needs and a 4 year old whilst a single parent working full time is proving a challenge!
Wow! So not only are you attempting couch to 5k but you also have many attributes of a goddess! And that’s without the running achievement- you’re a legend!
I was (still am) a single parent tho mine are adults now but I know that if you’re bossing that (and you most definitely are!) then this couch to 5k is well within your grasp!
A bike ride 🚲 thrown in today As well!
Awesome lady!... and any time you need reminding of that fact... give me a shout
Ps. A big shout out to the full time working single parents 🙌 hard work when you’re doing it on your own

You are most definitely NOT a failure, sounds like while you changed your route you didn’t adapt you me pace to allow for the inclines is all. No biggy, consider it prep for the actual run which you’ll do another day, you’ve got this 💪🏻😊

Don't be too hard on yourself. 🤔 I don't know how this fits on a timeline 📆but remember to be kind to yourself and have a rest day in between each run. Now I want you to think carefully. Would you tell your children they had failed at something if they tried and got close to achieving....I doubt it! Don't treat yourself any different... You just need practise!! You'll do this, we all have bad days🤗 and you SR are amazing !!
Gosh no I've always encouraged them which is how they've both got so good on their bikes. They can regularly cycle 10km now which isn't bad for 4 and 5! We go out on their bikes daily with me walking or running or cycling alongside. I work out daily doing a 30min total body home workout. I normally run 3 consecutive days because they are the only days I have childcare available.
I did 3 runs sat, sun and Monday and then today was the first solo run since monday.
You're doing really well then but running consecutive days may leave you prone to injury. Listen to your body and rest if you need to and don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing amazingly👍👍🏃🏃
Thank you so very kind. I would leave it if I could but I wouldn't get my three runs in with the kids now. Neither are able to go to school so juggling 'home school's and full time work from home the rest of the week. I get Sunday afternoon, all monday and tuesday morning free so make the most of it.

You are not a failure. Keep it slow, keep it steady. It took me 5 attempts to do week 7 Run 1 . But finally I did it and I feel great and so will you. Don’t give up. Stay positive. Stay slow!