Anyone else suffering when being told "you have 60 seconds left". On WK5 R3, and when I hear those words I just think - "oh no! I still have 60 seconds left". How do I switch the words from dread to hope?
60 second countdown: Anyone else suffering when... - Couch to 5K
60 second countdown
When I struggle at that point I count 6 lots of 10 in my head. I’m so busy mentally with that I just sort of get through. And then that last 10 second countdown feels amazing because you KNOW you can do it.
I felt the same, so I switched to I’m going to do more than 60 seconds and its my choice. I would then run for another 10-20 seconds. It got me over that mental barrier of the 60 seconds and then if I wanted to stop on time I could. Daft maybe but worked for me.
I would be thinking to myself, I am damned if I’m stopping now after running the length I had prior to the final 60 secs and push on through! 😉
When you hear that voice telling you 60 secs left, smile and tell yourself yes! I am amazing and I CAN finish this run.
Good luck 😃
I think it’s so easy to panic sometimes, but in that scenario just hold your pace, after all it did just get you around the previous however many minutes, it certainly won’t let you down at that point. I a few weeks you’ll be getting to that point and start pushing yourself 😊