Well, managed to complete W5r2 yesterday, but is it just me, or are those last 60 seconds actually longer than the rest of the run??? :/
Last 60 seconds... is Laura lying??: Well... - Couch to 5K
Last 60 seconds... is Laura lying??

I’m on this run 🏃🏽♀️ .... week 5 is definitely more of a mental challenge for me... but hey.. I’m still hanging in there!
Well done to you 👏👏👏
Haha - I know what you mean. I'm a couple of weeks ahead of you, so it's when she announces the last 5 minutes that I get that doubting feeling. I now use that as a signal to run even slower, conserve my energy, then when there is just a minute to go I can put on a bit of extra speed and finish on a high. Surviving these longer runs requires you to curb your ambitions for speed. By the end of week 9 we are all meant to be confident about running for 30 minutes. Forget the 5km; that comes later!
Congratulations on getting this far. 5.3 seems like a big jump, and a mental challenge to keep going for 20 minutes. You really have to resist all temptations to go fast. Keep plenty in reserve; it's fun to find you can maintain that steady plod, and then have enough in reserve for a last minute dash. Good luck.
Ah, thanks for the encouragement. Did have to push myself quite a lot to keep going for that last minute, my breathing was all over the shop, but amazingly, I did it! Not sure how I'll fare with r3, but I'll give it a go. I'm honestly not sure if I can go any slower
I’m that excited I replied to the wrong person 🙈
Week 5R2 done! ✅
We are running! 🏃🏽♀️👏👏👏
How good is that?..
Fantastic, well done!! Our local National Trust park has just opened and I ran (well.....shuffled!!) there for the first time yesterday. It was pretty crowded on the paths and I heard a dad say to his little boy 'get out of the way of the runners' and as we passed the little boy waved and said 'hello runners!' it actually made my day! #easilypleased Good luck with r3 x
Awww how fab is that! Not easily pleased at all ... youve worked hard for the title of ‘runner’ so enjoy it!
Today has actually given me confidence for R3 (haha! easy to be buoyant while still riding the euphoria of getting R2 under my belt) 🤣
We shall see... will keep you posted.
I’m actually feeling that I’ve gone from couch potato 🛋 🥔 to couch to 5k 🛋🏃🏽♀️ And I’m loving it!
Fingers crossed I will follow in your successful footsteps 🤞
I feel like today has given me some confidence for R3 and climbing that mental mountain of 20mins! Easy to say whilst still on the high of W5R2 achievement 🙈
I will be ok once I get to 12 mins cos I tell myself 8 left Jane and you did that earlier this week 🤞
Thanks for message x

yea, sometimes it feels that way

Is that the one where Laura says ‘(don’t) stop now’, I just hear the stop now bit and wish I could 😂

Wait till she says “why not have a Sprint for the last 60 seconds?” I’m like “are you ffff kidding me?” Saying that I did try to sprint once (slow jog to faster job) so I have done it throughout this program

oh yes, she can expect a few expletives if she even thinks about suggesting a sprint!! 😂