Really did not like week 8 but week 9 is better. Thanks to the lovely people on here suggesting stuff like changing your route and listening to podcasts rather than music it’s been better. Today’s run was in the pouring rain which was gorgeous. I loathe the heat for running. Overtaken my everyone and his nana but I happily sploshed along for 30 minutes. Feeling like a proper runner now. And that’s a massive deal for me.
Week 9 is Fine: Really did not like week 8 but... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 is Fine

That is terrific to hear! I have really struggled the past few weeks with asthma/hayfever, and not been able to run as much as I wanted to, and then my breathing has been bad when I have gone out, although have finished every run. Was actually excited when it finally started raining as it may now make it better for me. This is massively encouraging. Have put on my running gear and off I go! x

That's great! I like the idea of podcasts - might just try that. Well done you.
Podcasts have been my saviour! Louis Théroux’s “Grounded” a recent life saver...:))
Loving that podcast! Not a good idea to run to the Miriam Margolyes one. Laughing hysterically and running is a bit of a disaster!
I agree! That one really put me off my stride. As I was looking up to see if I could find any soldiers hiding in trees 😂😂😂
I’m going to sound really stupid now but where do I find podcasts.

Ah that’s so great to read! Am pleased you found what you needed to change to help you enjoy your runs a bit more, that’s encouraging. Well done! Not long to go now ☺️🙃

Yay - mojo found !! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🏃🏼♀️ nearly there ...🏁

Have you finished week 9 now?? 🏃♀️😊
Well done, you should be v proud of your achievement!