I've just finished W7R2 and although I'm still motivated to do the programme I'm not enjoying it as much as when there were short walking breaks to look forward to. I expect I'll get used to it, but I note that in order to 'run' for 25 minutes, well, I'm not sure I'd really describe it as running... I know we are encouraged to go slowly if necessary, but is that still the case if one suspects one could walk faster...? I think what I'm doing is best described as a gentle jog. Does this count...?
Running or jogging - is there a difference...? - Couch to 5K
Running or jogging - is there a difference...?

You go at your speed no matter how fast or slow. There’s no right or wrong 👍🏻

Yes it counts. It definitely counts! If you're moving forward in a running motion (both feet off the ground during your stride), you're running, no matter how slowly. In fact, the slower the better!
In answer to your question, there's no difference between a runner and a jogger, just don't say that to a 'serious' runner, it's a snobbery thing.
Good luck 👍

I’m glad, too, that running slowly counts, as I am on week 9 and calculate that I am only running at 4.5 mph, a jog really. However this is all I can manage and am planning to continue increase my time until I achieve my 5k route, and that should take around 40 minutes. After this I plan to consolidate and eventually I’ll get faster, and you’ll do the same. It’s safer being a tortoise than a hare as the risk of injury is minimised and sustainability maximised. Happy running!
You are correct , jogging or running at a slower pace is far better as you make your way though the programme.
I have just completed W 5 consolidation ( 3R a week) and noticed slight improvement s each week . It’s still a challenge , specially the first ten minutes. However, I find myself adding an extra . 5 K or 1K to my runs when I feel like it.
I’m pushing towards 70 and looking forwards to my first Parkrun . All thanks to this programme . 🐾

You are a runner!!! Your current aim is to run for 30 minutes without stopping in week 9. I had to keep things really slow to get there. After week 9 I chose to extend distance slowly and only made serious attempts to up the pace a year after completing C25k. This is your running journey, so do your thing, at your pace , and forget any notion of some particular pace you ought to be doing. You are doing brilliantly!👏👏👏🙂
Thank you! - yes, I thought that once having completed the challenge I'd keep up running for half an hour a couple of times a week and aim to actually reach 5K

Of course it does! Gently is the best way!

It counts. It is what the programme *tells* you to do!
What I find so interesting now that I have a heart rate monitor is how much better a workout the gentlest and slowest and most enjoyable and comfortable of runs gives my heart compared with walking, even if the walk is faster. (And bear in mind that the running motion due to its impact has skeletal benefits)

I've just completed week 7and found the same thing that without the walk breaks it was less enjoyable, so I took advice and changed my environment. I had been running the same road path since week 1, so I ran yesterday wk7R3 in a park. Trees, birds, ponds and gentle hills were all a novelty to me and I really enjoyed it. I ran slow to take in as much of the view and environment as I could 😊