Not posted much due to life events recently, but I have still been running!
April was my consolidation month and I stayed disciplined, running 5k every second day and doing strength exercises on my rest days. I have been varying my workouts with some great videos on youtube but my main focus has been on my arms and core, using a combination of dumbbells and filled water bottles to vary my weights
My husband bought me a sports watch and it has been my task-master for the past week; one of its functions is that of a heart monitor and it has worked out my heartbeat ranges for the five heartbeat training "Zones". OK, I know it is not super accurate but for now it will be a useful tool for me to compare how I feel when I run against what appears to be my heart effort.
So, off I went for a run yesterday; last Friday was my "fast" day and I managed my sub-30-min 5k just fine, but yesterday was going to be slow, steady and my first run according to my heart rate. What a surprising experience it was!!
Wow, keeping my rate low certainly felt slow! I went back to Niko-Niko Japanese slow-running at some stages, almost falling into a walk, but then realised that I needed to relax and BREATHE! The mindful breathing helped enormously and kept the beat in check. Oh wow, this is really light and enjoyable, I fell into a gentle rhythm and felt like I could run on and on, the temptation to speed up left me and I felt a real joy in running for the moment. I felt light as a cloud!
I had to concentrate a bit more on the hilly parts by slowing my pace even further(!) and breathing deeper, but this technique worked fine; I must have looked odd, though, like I needed the toilet haha, and did feel slightly self conscious at other runners dashing past me but, hey-ho. No surprise then that my time for this 5k run was... rather long
I understand that I am all new to this and in time my fitness will improve further, allowing me to go faster but still maintaining a low heartbeat. Early days yet! It's a start and can only get better
I managed the full 5k within the Zone 2 range (approx between 110 & 122 bpm) and this experiment has taught me so much: this is what REAL, controlled SLOW running feels like. And it feels good!
Reading up on what Zone 2 workouts are all about, this is the so-called fat-burning zone that runners train within to help with endurance. Of course, running 3x a week I shall be mixing up my run styles (slow, fast, beginner intervals) but will certainly be doing this style again as part of my routine, it will be a good benchmark to compare my fitness in a few weeks.
Has anyone else tried this? What are your thoughts?
Happy runnings!