Yesterday's run was a figure of 8 based around my house, with a toilet break in the middle! Not sure if the break addled the app, but it got part way round the second loop and gave up mapping. By then I was tired and walking some of the way - heavy legs day - and it told me afterwards that I had a new PB at that point! And yet I think the total run length was probably about right. Anyone else have quirky days with their app? Tossing up whether to keep the run to maintain my distance totals or ditch it because the PB is really way too optimistic!
Nike Run Club app behaving oddly: Yesterday's... - Couch to 5K
Nike Run Club app behaving oddly
Not had the mapping issue with NRC, but occasionally these apps do mess up.
Assuming the run length is about right, and the time tallies then you ran that run. Did you pause for your toilet break? With GPS on and indoors your location would be all over the place... and if paused then you can easily end up with a PB that you’re not currently capable of, I turn auto pause off for this reason too.
Personally, I edit any run where I’ve hit pause and add a good few minutes to the time. This keeps my run in there, doesn’t mess with my milage on my shoes, and stops me having a PB that’s going to be frustrating me.
Didn't know I had the option to edit a run! Not found that setting.
Go into the run... hit the “...” top right and you’re good to go.
Editing a run does stop that run counting to any of their challenges though, but I don’t think there’s any active ones at the moment.