Started C25K Nov 18th with a couple of setbacks plus Christmas, corona madness and sprained ankle finally got to this run and have never felt better. Programme prepared me and this forum with all the advice has got me there. Slowly and surely can’t believe I found it as good as I did early runs definetly harder thanks everyone have been silent and promised myself first post would be after this run onwards to completion!
Week 5 run 3 : Started C25K Nov 18th with a... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 3

Well done! I finished Week 5 on Sunday, felt so elated as I really struggled when I first started last month.
I've attempted Couch to 5K loads of times and usually would give up during week 3, so I just couldn't believe that I managed 20 minutes without stopping. Although actually found week 6, run 1 quite challenging this morning because I think I might have got a bit cocky. Haha.

Congratulations Nearly50 on completing run 3 of week 5, that is a milestone run with C25K, onwards and upwards to week 6 run 1 but be careful about that run as it catches out some people with the interval walks and runs after the non stop 20 minutes of W5R3 which you have just ran 🏃🏾 😊

Welcome to the forum and well done on your progress.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
Enjoy your journey.

Well done! Exactly where I am too. Before I started I couldn’t run for a minute without having to stop and catch my breath. Amazed to have run (slow jogged) for 20 mins.