I attempted Week 8 Run 3 again on Monday, and barely managed 12 minutes, and even that was with some walking. I don't know if it was a mental or a physical thing but I could not get going and gave up, with the consolation that at least I had shown up and done something. I convinced myself that the programme might have to wait a while, but separately to it I can still do bits and pieces - I am not beholden to it after all. I really felt as if I cannot carry on, back to week one maybe. Maybe it was a virus - I am sure it's not That One! - and I was feeling pretty washed out and tired.
Today, Wednesday, feeling slightly better but very guilty, I decided to try and see if I could again "do something". 6 degrees, grey, overcast and generally depressing day with the town keeping itself even more isolated than usual. Cycling to the stadium my legs ached and felt heavy, but what the heck. A few minutes of running at least keeps me in the game. I so want to do this. My lungs felt a bit freer again, once I got through the toxic 10s. It took me a while to realise I had done that, but I still didn't believe I could keep going. Somebody was scraping my lungs with nails. I opted for a very slow pace I could maintain.
After Laura's halfway notification I was gaining confidence. A rather pretty woman was running the same path but the opposite direction, and I raised my thumbs as she went past. She was good, fast and smooth and soon she appeared again, and raised her thumbs. Next time she smiled. It is very easy here to forget what people's teeth actually look like! I realised i was wanting her to pass again, and my mind was already imagining a conversation with her, about running of course!
OMG! I was still running and Laura gave me the five minute's left call. My running friend was no longer there, but unknowingly had helped me carry on. I was alone again with the path, the trees, the grey light. At 28 minutes I decided to push for 30 and get back to where my bike was parked. I did 31 minutes, and 4.2 km. I am so impressed with myself! We are back in the game! Yaya!
So my question is this. Week 8 Run 3 is definitely done now, whatever. However, this was 31 minutes so effectively a Week 9 run. What should I count this as - a W8, or a W9, bearing in mind that I did two "extra" runs of approx 12 - 14 minutes each....
What do you guys think? I will abide by your opinions and consensus