I'm not bed-ridden or anything, I am walking around happily (if a little awkwardly) during the day and have nothing more serious that aching muscles. The thing is, I am scared of doing W1R2 this evening because I still ache.
I got back on Tuesday to have a nice long (hot) bath to recover, which helped a lot. I slept like a log too, which was nice. I woke up a little stiff, but generally fine. Over the day, the aches set in until I really needed another hot bath in the evening just to ease the ache out of my legs.
Today is the day for my second run and I still have aches in the muscles of my legs. I think I might have some in my arms, but the body's gating mechanism for pain makes it hard to tell.
So how do I do this? Should it ease off once I start running? Should I take another day off and run tomorrow instead? Should I have a a more gentle run?
Any advice welcome...