Hello, this is my first ever post on any site! I am 62 years old and am just about to complete week nine of the NHS podcasts C25K. Having never run for longer than 3 minutes and then only twice a week occasionally depending on the weather, I am now jogging 30 minutes and I go out even if it's raining! I even plan routes for places we visit so I don't miss a run! I am very pleased with myself and intend to keep going. I don't run very fast but my course from home is 5.3km (measured on Googlemaps) and I cover it including the 5 minute warm up and cool down walks in 40 minutes. I would love to know what beats per minute some of the music on the podcasts are so I can make a playlist for after completion as some exactly matches my pace!
OMG I can 'run' for 30 minutes: Hello, this is... - Couch to 5K
OMG I can 'run' for 30 minutes

Welcome to the forum.
When you post your graduation on here I will send you a link to a guide to post C25k running, in which it stresses that learning to run slowly, to build stamina, is one of your main aims, so BPM are of less importance.
This BPM counter abyssmedia.com/bpmcounter/ is just one of many available which can tell you the bpm of any piece of music, although I am not sure how it would work for the podcasts, which include spoken word.
Thank you for your reply. I just wanted to know that I will be using music that will keep me going and not subconsciously slow me down. I found the track that matches my pace really easy to run to and it made that part seem to go really well. Some tracks were way too fast and I felt I was so slow. Inspiration that's what I need to keep me going.
Thanks for the tip on the program I shall give it a go.

Fantastic effort be very proud. 2 more runs the same then you are a graduate. I love planning runs in new places, adds a whole new dimension
Thank you for your reply. New runs are so much better than my normal run which is pavement alongside quite busy roads (except I run early in the morning). Would love to live near a park where I could run.

So great you've got to wk9. You'll suprise yourself by running in all weather's.
Good luck with your next 2 runs 😊
Thank you for your reply. Frosty pavements is a bit problematic but I don't mind getting wet - especially as I'm jogging home to dry clothes.

Well done, that’s faster than us and only a year younger
Thank you for your reply. I am amazed someone would describe me as fast! Thank you you've made my day!

Hi great to hear you are doing so well. I'm a bit older than you and I've not long started running. Just defy any "pensioner" mindset!

Fantastic effort....it feels,amazing when you graduate and get your well earned badge.

Amazing achievement! I also started running at 62, now 63 👍
Running is so good for us pre pensioners, no SRP for me until 66 as i was born in 50's so a WASPI woman!
Running is so good for our bone density as we age so good on you for getting out there and being so successful 👏👏