Week 4 woes: what is the point in running when... - Couch to 5K

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Week 4 woes: what is the point in running when it is slower than walking?

silverflowers profile image
84 Replies

Struggled through my week 4 run 1. I did manage to keep going for the 5 minute runs but so slowly that a dog walker overtook me! I am breathing very hard and am nowhere near able to talk while running despite going so slowly. I am feeling quite despondent about my progress. I have this wonderful idea of me running effortlessly through the trees but the reality is so hard. I feel embarrassed by my terrible unfitness. Maybe I should stick to walking instead? Sorry to be so down today. I would be grateful for any tips or advice.

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silverflowers profile image
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84 Replies
getfitatlast profile image

I was running slower than walking and was overtaken by a walker in about week 4. Since then I've got a running watch and can now see how much faster I am getting. I'm not aiming to run faster - it is just happening as I get fitter. I'm still very slow, but I am faster than I was, and each run I am a bit quicker. I sped up without really noticing as I got further in to the programme. As lots of people here will tell you - slow is good!

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to getfitatlast

Thank you. Hopefully that will happen for me too if I am just patient and manage to stick with it.

getfitatlast profile image
getfitatlastGraduate in reply to silverflowers

Please try and stick with it. I read today that most people drop out during weeks 4 and 5 so just give it another couple of weeks. Good luck.!

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to getfitatlast

It isn't often mentioned. but regarding what you say about people not going any further than week 4 or the first two runs of week 5, I read somewhere that many people do end the course at week 4 because they find it too hard, I know a person who did that twice, I am trying to get him to try for a third time, perhaps he might succeed, third time lucky.

Alast profile image
Alast in reply to AlMorr

This 'dropping out in weeks 4 or 5' thing is interesting, I'm going to use it as an inspiration to push myself along and make sure I don't become another one of those, no matter how long it takes me

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Alast

Take the advice from the most respected and experienced person here on C25K, namely Oldfloss, her motto mantra for all people who are on the course is to take all the runs

"slow and steady", hopefully you WILL get further than week 4. 😊 🏃🏾

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to AlMorr

you are right - I don't want to be one of people who drop out in week 4/5! (...but week 5 does look scary!)

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to silverflowers

The program has prepared you for all the runs, including run 3 of week 5, don't run too fast, in fact you can run slower than fast walking, just take all the runs easily, including that run of week 5.

Minsy profile image
Minsy in reply to silverflowers

Don't look ahead. I feel the same about week 4. It's quite a leap to 5 mins and I didn't quite make mine yesterday. I'll try again tomorrow. I will probably repeat week 4 as I did for week 2. Keep at it. Don't give up. You are doing great 👍

Grannyhugs profile image

The speed people walk, like the speed people run, varies considerably. I am a walk leader for various groups. With one group we take 45 minutes to walk 1k. Others that I walk with would be quite happy covering 3k or more in that time. So, depending on the group you were running beside you would be running loops round me. You are only on week 4, I haven't read your profile but I guess you are just off the couch. You didn't just run 5 minutes, you did that several times, would you have even thought of doing that 4 or 5 weeks ago. Please be good to yourself and celebrate your achievements, plenty of other people on this plan run or have in the past run, at the same speed as you. Keep going, it will get easier. Take care

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Grannyhugs

Dear Grannytobe, thank you for the encouraging words and you are right I thought I was going to die running for 1 minute in week 1 so maybe I am making some progress. I will be patient and persist.

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate in reply to silverflowers

Good girl😉

IannodaTruffe profile image

Stick with it.

Each run is building your stamina and strength, far more than walking alone would do.

By the time you graduate you will be so much fitter than if you just walked.

You may not make the next Olympic team, but you will move your fitness forward hugely and statistically reduce your risk of a whole host of life limiting conditions.

You don't have to apologise.............that is why we are here........to support and pick one another up when the going gets tough.

It will get easier, believe me.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you. I will keep trying. I do have chronic lung disease so you are right I am never going to be fast and I need to moderate my expectations. One (stuttering) step at a time...

Jogunlikely profile image
JogunlikelyGraduate in reply to silverflowers

Good grief SF! Hats off to you! Running with CLD is awesome, you are AWESOME 😊

Keep going it does get easier/more comfortable but it takes time. I too have been overtaken by walkers and been whizzed past by gazelle runners but there is always someone slower than you, because they didn't make the decision to get off the couch.

You are doing great x

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Jogunlikely

Thank you! Did my week 4 run 2 today (just managed it - thought the second 3 minute run was actually the hardest and I was virtually jogging on the spot!) No pesky speedy dog walkers today thank goodness :)

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to silverflowers

silverflowers - "RUNNING IS NOT FOR EVERYONE !!!" so I am asking you to consider GIVING UP RUNNING and be pleased with continuing YOUR WALKING that would most likely result in becoming more efficient and faster.

I was bitten by the "running bug" but found that 61 year old bowed legs with bone on bone knees did not like to run BUT ENJOYED WALKING. I read about and then employed Danny Dryer's method of Chi Walking and found that the training was MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE and easier on my body. Injuries/pain became non-issues and as time progressed my pace improved as did the length of time being able to walk.

Continued training eventually allowed me to successfully complete the 5K in 27:36, a half marathon in 2:12:11, and a marathon in 4:56:28 ALL by walking -- i.e.-- having 1 foot in contact with the ground at all times.

You mileage may vary as well as your times but the enjoyment received from being able to complete distances once only dreamed of completing becomes very intoxicating. IMO it's not the "HOW FAST" that should matter but instead the HOW FAR CAN I GO while having fun.

Good luck and smile as you achieve.

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to addicted2cycling

oops correction -- Danny DREYER

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to addicted2cycling

Wow that is amazingly speedy walking and I am so impressed that you did a marathon. That has opened my eyes to a whole new world of walking. I do want to persevere with the c25k programme as much as anything because I have had so much support and encouragement from the lovely people on this forum. I am very grateful :)

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to silverflowers

WALKERS spend the most amount of time pounding the pavement for any given distance. My pep talk for every walker who becomes discouraged about pace/time is --- a runner can be finished with the event, had something to eat and drink, relax, change clothes, maybe even take a quick shower while THE WALKER is still out completing the event. IMO, it is the walker who is the ENDURANCE ATHLETE???

BTW, my final marathon this past January during Walt Disney World's Marathon Weekend took 6:36:26. Just making the 7hr limit.

I'm sure you will persevere and complete the c25k and continue beyond.

colliewobble10 profile image
colliewobble10Graduate in reply to silverflowers

Hi silverflowers, like you, I have lung problems, I had TB in both lungs when I was younger. The top of both my lungs are badly scarred and my lung capacity is badly compromised. I started c25k about 6 weeks ago. When I did the first 1 minute run, I thought I was going to die! I was gasping for breath and couldn't even manage to speak a single word let alone a complete sentence. I was running with a friend 5 years older than me (he's 70!) who is so fit and finds it so easy. I nearly gave up. Then I discovered Japanese slow running and I have finally started to make progress. Having struggled through weeks 1 and 2, I started first of all running on my own and then repeating week 3 which had been a disaster. I have this evening, just completed week 4 run 2 and my breathing is finally sorted, I could have gone on for longer from a breathing point of view, my problem now is my calf muscles were screaming out for mercy, I suspect after working all day, I was a bit dehydrated and will have to sort that out. Just wanted to say to those struggling with week 1 due to breathing, run slower and then slower again, if I can do it at 65 y.o. you certainly can. Keep running !!

Speedy60 profile image

We've all had days like that. Try not to focus on speed for now. You're not running to get anywhere quicker, you're running because you want to get fitter. Check out Japanese slow running on YouTube - it's the way forward (literally 😆). Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will find that in weeks to come you will get faster as you get more miles under your belt.

As for wanting to run effortlessly through the trees - you and the rest of us!

Good luck 👍

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Speedy60

thank you :)

Rigpig profile image

You have made it to week 4 that's nearly half way there and you are doing great, speed is not at all important and every single run is improving your fitness and stamina. I was embarrassed to be seen running at first but now I honestly don't care I'm doing this for me and millions of others are doing nothing so you should be proud of yourself for getting this far. Keep going, we are all here to support you :-)

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Rigpig

thank you - it is really good to hear that other people have the same embarrassment issues and you have overcome them. :)

rosemel64 profile image

Don't worry about the pace. Just be proud of yourself for getting up and doing it. Never compare. Good luck. And for the record Im slow but hey ho. I enjoy it :)

SueAppleRun profile image

hey you were running that’s way more impressive than walking a dog

Our daughter came out with us one sunday back in the summer, she managed about 2 minutes then walked, she kept up with us and kept saying how impressed she was as running is so much harder than walking

Now, we don’t overtake runners but we fly by most walkers so we are happy

Keep at it, it is hard but it does get easier and more enjoyable, I’m looking foraa was red to seeing your progress

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

thank you. I do feel much more encouraged now. I really appreciate the support.

Jacca profile image

Hi silverflowers, don’t be too hard on yourself!! You are out there doing it . It doesn’t matter how slow. Sometimes I felt like I was going too slow but it really helps when it gets to longer runs. I’m on week 9 and there’s been a few times when I didn’t think I’d get this far. Some runs have been terrible some ok some amazing oh and some I’ve repeated . Just keep going knowing that you will reach your goal. Sending you positive vibes for your next run 😁

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Jacca

thank you Jacca! Wow you are nearly there - well done you! :)

RunningMigster profile image

Hey dont be so hard on yourself. You did it! That's a success. And it might have been slow, but you'd have been even slower sat on the couch.

And... week 4! That's quite a step up and you still did it. I think you need to give yourself a pat on the back.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to RunningMigster

thank you!

Buddy34 profile image

Running is so much tougher than walking. I can brisk walk my dog for 40 minutes no problem , but running 40 minutes is so different.

You are doing great you are out and running and should be so proud of yourself.

One day you will run effortlessly through those tress , I can't tell you when it will happen but it will.

Well done you 😊😊

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Buddy34

...in my dreams...! You are so kind - thank you

Mummycav profile image

Hey Silverflowers, don’t be disheartened...once you get used to running, your speed might increase but do you know what? Even if it doesn’t, you’re still running and you’re running at a pace you can maintain...no matter how far that takes you. You’re only on week 4 and yes, this is an achievement to be very proud of but you have a way to go both physically and mentally, so you have no idea what’s round the corner...there last loads of surprises out there just waiting for you to discover...and whether you’re a distance runner or time runner, you are a runner no matter how fast or how long...I’m sorry that people think they need to increase distance, pace or time when actually you just need to run for however long or far suits you...if you want to improve them sometime you have the option. You’re doing great so carry on what you’re doing x

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Dear Mummycav, I know I have a long way to go. I will take things one step at a time. Thank you :)

SteveWebbo profile image

Hi Silverflowers , run for a minute just for fun - remember it used to be hard . You are doing great , 5 minutes is a long time for us beginners.

Sammy-Lou profile image

Keep with it sliverflowers! I was the same when I started as no doubt many of us were! I’m still slow but Im loving it ! I did a 10 k on 6 month ‘runniversary ‘ - I started last and came last - but I ran all the way, smiled all the way ’ and no one overtook me!!!!! This forum has inspired me - all nice people giving excellent advice, sharing their experiences , all having good days and bad days but all ‘runners’ I tend to listen to music which helps too! Stick with it you CAN do it!!!

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Sammy-Lou

Thank you Sammy-Lou. Well done on the 10k!

Northpenninesjogger profile image

You've been running for nearly a month Silverflowers. That's great keep going!

I struggled to run for a few minutes in first 2 weeks but hey I'm now in week 8 and yesterday I ran for 30 minutes

I am very slow and my personal goal is to run a park run in less than an hour.

Think back to your personal goals, why did you start C25k in the first place, and do it for YOU, no-one else

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Northpenninesjogger

I just want to get fitter. I want to increase my chances of being alive long enough to meet my grandchildren. I want to do something to reverse or slow the inevitable decline with my lung disease. You are right: the times and speed aren't important. I will keep trying. Thank you.

Fattycanrun profile image

Hi. No problem to stay on the same run until youre comfortable with it. I even backclassed myself. No hard and fast rules in this plan which is what helps it work. And of course all your new runnjng buddies on this forum to support us.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Fattycanrun

That's good advice. I may well need it for the dreaded week 5 next week!

Windoze profile image

Stick at it! Your doing amaze!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🎉

Be proud...were proud of you! Whoop! Your nearly half way through. There will come a point when you just dont care what others think when your out running...its your journey 😎😎

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Windoze

You are right! Just did week 4 run 2 today and I am half-way through :) I feel like I want to carry on now. Wish me luck for week 5 because it looks like it's going to be tough. (Actually they've all been a struggle, even the running for 60 seconds in week 1!)

Morgan007 profile image
Morgan007 in reply to silverflowers

You are doing great , wishing best for next run 👍🏻 we are a week behind and I'm anxious about the 3 min run coming next but your journey has inspired me

Keep going , we can do this

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Morgan007

yes we can! :)

Hated2Run profile image

Stick with it - some people walk fast, some slow some people run fast, some slow - you were most likely no where near this level of fitness 4 weeks ago so think how far you have come. Your speed will increase and anyway you didnt have a dog pulling you - that's just cheating!

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Hated2Run

You are right I am probably fitter than I was ...just nowhere near as fit as I'd like to be! Hopefully I will be doing better in 4 weeks time ...fingers crossed... but I have to be patient and be prepared for setbacks I know :) thank you

SamNotSammy profile image

I think you are doing fantastically well. I have been running for 4 weeks now and I’m still repeating week 1. I struggled a lot with breathing but I feel as the weeks have gone on it really is improving. I’m hoping to move to week 2 next week but if I’m not comfortable then I will stick for another week. Don’t beat yourself up. You are doing more than a lot of other people are. Good luck 🏃🏼‍♀️

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to SamNotSammy

Dear SamNotSammy, I really admire your perseverance - well done and good luck with week 2 next week! If I have to repeat runs I will follow your example. Breathing is a problem for me too. Happy running! :)

SamNotSammy profile image
SamNotSammy in reply to silverflowers

I’m a good 5 stone over weight so I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Even if I never get past week 1 I’m still doing more than I was which is no bad thing. If I complete my final run on Friday I moving to week 2 for sure. Good luck and keep going 🏃🏼‍♀️

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to SamNotSammy

You are right - let's just keep going. Good luck :)

Alast profile image

Hey! Well done, you managed to run for five minutes, and more than once, well done again. (It's more than I managed this morning...) I have/had the same hang up with speed and am slowly getting my brain to understand that it is not important. Running uses different muscles compared to walking, and it's a more strenuous exercise, and that's what it's all about. Even if you are going slowly, you are doing yourself a power of good by doing it so please do try and stick at it. As others have said, you may find that the speed will come eventually, but if not, so what? You are getting out there and running, something that you couldn't do a few weeks ago, thinking about that, doesn't it make you feel proud of yourself?

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Alast

Dear Alast, thank you for your kind words! :)

kindarunnin profile image

No matter how slow you're running, you're still way ahead of the millions sat on the couch.

I started C25K back in April and had to try wk1 twice, gasping every day and eventually gave up because my knees were agony, once the knees had recovered I took up walking for a month then tried again in June, gave up at week 2 that time........so already you're way ahead of me.

I've kept trying and taking it slow and on a good day I can now run 3.3 miles in 34 minutes, but I've noticed myself that if I let my mind take over it can ruin a run.

On Monday I was at about 2 miles and a younger, fitter runner breezed past me, all of a sudden I had no energy and stopped. I find it's as much of a mind thing sometimes, I walked home angry at myself, stewed at home for the day and went out that evening and ran my full 34min PB, way more than I'd ever run in one day with the two runs, just because I'd got annoyed at my own silliness and was determined to do it.

You're doing great and try to keep telling yourself that, it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing, the only person you need to beat is yourself and you're already doing that just by getting out there. They won't all be good days but try to stay positive and kind to yourself, you can do it!! Keep posting on here, everyone's got your back. Good luck!

Hated2Run profile image
Hated2RunGraduate in reply to kindarunnin

You really shouldn't consider other runners - to me they all look like they have just left the house, running super fast with no difficulty whatsoever - this may be true or not - who cares - if I am honest (present group of course excluded) runners seem a miserable bunch - particularly the faster ones - only the ones that appear to be sharing my own degree of suffering ever smile/wave or commit themselves to acknowledging my existence when I pass them.

In short - stuff em, and try to enjoy it /concentrate on your own run - do you listen to music by the way - stops you dwelling on the difficulty/length of time to go - great help fo me and when my hopeless music player packs up I really do end up floundering! - go for it!

kindarunnin profile image
kindarunninGraduate in reply to Hated2Run

Yeah I do my best to ignore them, and I know what you mean about the miserable ones, always seems to be the ones with all nice gear on I've noticed, probably looking down at my shabby gear and woolly hat! 😁😁

Annoyingly it was a pretty girl who passed me the other day, and she gave me a smile and a wave, proper took the wind out of my sails. ☹😁

That said, I'm just back from running my 3.4 mile circuit in 33.20 knocking about 40secs off my PB. Tunes definitely help, some AC/DC came up on the random shuffle today, probably helped my pace.

Enjoy your running, and yeah, stuff 'em! Cheers.👍👍

Renee66 profile image

Hi Silverflowers . I've just done my first consolidation run since graduating on Sunday. I got good advice here about slow running and just knowing it's fine to do that when in need of a change of pace kept me going. Adjusted my aims to just redoing W9R3 till the new year. I'm not trying to run longer and faster, just doing the 30 mins and guess what? I've noticed I'm getting faster and running more effortlessly anyway, even without trying! It will suddenly just happen that you are over the bad parts and unbelievably to yourself you'll be further on! So just go as slowly as you like. It'll change on its own if you keep at it. I also like the new feeling of being looser limbed when I'm not running. I think you are an inspiration to others to be running with your health condition. Very very well done.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Renee66

thank you! Congratulations on graduating :)

Hatman profile image

SF, You have enough here, advice and encouragement to last the next few weeks. Just a little bit more.

Having dog walkers in front of you is SO annoying! I am always pleased when they turn off up a side street, so I don't have to see them.

But hey! This isn't about other people, this is about you and me, us. Each of us is in this for one reason. ME! How this running business affects me!

No one else matters. This is not a race! We are doing this just for ourselves! Not totally true. If we each last a bit longer, are a bit happier, then it affects our family and friends too.

You do not have to go fast! You just have to go!

Read that sentence again and say it out loud.

Think about yoga and TaiChi. Types of exercise requiring slow thoughtful movement. all very good for you. No strain. No pain.

The movements are important. NOT the speed.

Do watch YouTube Japanese SlowRunning Man.

He will show you how fast, what to do with breath, hands and arms and how to stand.

I was so pleased to find that in week 3 or 4. Grey haired old man running slowly, happily. Suits me! Sounds just like me! He became my idol.

I started C25K in cap, sunglasses, fleece and jeans, looking as if I was going to the shop. Might jog a bit if it looked like the bus was coming. Then walk again. You are so brave doing that PR in W1. Took me to W9 to get to a PR. Then it was slow!

intend to run! That is the important bit! Intend! Do the movements! Slowly.

The breathing will come, you just haven't been doing it long enough yet! Read FAQPosts about Toxic Ten. Don't worry about breath yet. Just do your best.

I have no intention of ever getting to compete with Mo. I am happy to slowly go for a thirty minute run, three times a week. I sleep better, I am lighter, I fit in clothes better and I think my grandkids are secretly proud of me too.

Do you need any more?

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Hatman

Thank you so much.

Noodle1991 profile image

Lots of advice here so only a tiny bit more. Take one run at a time and don’t look too far ahead. The program moves you along in mind and body. The longer the runs, the slower I went as I wanted to get to the end but didn’t believe I could. Just about to graduate this weekend. Good luck and just believe.

Hatman profile image
HatmanGraduate in reply to Noodle1991

Well done Noodle91. Slow is great!

You do not have to go fast! You just have to go!

Just remember how far you have come over the past two months or so.

Did you struggle to run for yet another minute without stopping, in W1?, I know I did!

Take care in the slippery conditions.

You will complete W9R3.

Congratulations for when you do!

Enjoy the feeling. Slowly!

Fleetnot profile image

I graduated 6 months ago and most weeks still do 3 runs. I have not got significantly faster. Villagers often say saw you out walking the other day when I think I'm running! I know I'm running so I don't worry about it any more, even makes me laugh. I have also got to a point where I miss it if I can't do it for a week. So stick with it it is worth it.

RunSkippyRun profile image

Hi Silverflowers,

I'm slow and a bit embarassed by how slow, especially compared to others. But you know what? that's not as important as how much healthier and fitter I feel (I'm on Week 8, although it has taken almost three months to get to this point). Running for 28 minutes?? I never, never, never thought that would happen - but it is as so many of the others have said: the programme gets you there, and the benefits are great. Good luck and I hope you keep running.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to RunSkippyRun

That's brilliant. Well done and thank you :)

kend6847 profile image

Firstly keep going. Speed is not what gives you the stamina. It is the physical effort of running. By now you must be aware of the difference in effort between running and walking. Secondly ask the dog walker to try and run for 3 minutes. Unless they are a runner they have no chance. Believe me it gets easier but it does take time. I have completed it once but was very slow. I have now started again at week 3 but at a slightly faster pace. Once completed the second time l will do the same again at a slightly faster pace again. I have no intentions of packing it in after W9/3 so will hopefully reach a respectful pace. Keep it up.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to kend6847

I will keep going! Thank you :)

Annieapple profile image

🥳I admire you for even starting with lung problems.....and look at you now already mid way through week 4. Keep on keeping on. Repeat runs & weeks if you need to. This isn’t a race. It’s about being fit & enjoying running. 🐌 slow running is the very best to achieve both those goals. You will look back on this as a minor blip & be so glad you didn’t stop! Some runs do feel harder than others even for the most experienced runners in the world!

We are all here to cheer you on!! 😊👏🤗 run 🏃‍♀️

shrinkingjaz profile image

I graduated and I know for a fact that I walk faster than I run.

Running and walking are different. The reason why running is harder is because you have both of your feet in the air at one time which you don't do with walking.

The program is designed to get your body used to the motion of running. It's a different motion than walking, different muscles and an overall different rhythm.

Speed will come. I promise. But for the moment, just enjoy the program and think of all the health benefits from it! 😊

Brooko profile image

Lots and lots of good advice here but if it’s not here look up Japanese slow running on YouTube. Basically running at a slow walking speed. It’s still a bigger health booster.

Oldgirlruns profile image

I’m a bit late but others have said it too - when I started I was regularly overtaken by walkers which can be a bit dispiriting - especially when I know I can walk faster than I run as well! But it happens much less often now and when it does, I try not to let it bother me - I’m still running even if it’s slowly! I know what you mean about running through the trees - I have visions of me flying elegantly along the seafront at a good pace but somehow it’s not what everyone else sees!

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Oldgirlruns

It sounds lovely! :)

Chris--B profile image

Hi, I am probably one of those pesky fast dog walkers. I can average 15 minutes per mile over a7-8 mile walk. I often either keep up with or even overtake runner/joggers. However having just started the C25K (just started wk 2) and finding the last stage of each run a killer and the advice I have been given is to slow down. In the 4 runs I have completed so far I have come to realise that running and walking are completely different and cant really be compared. I intend to slow down on my next run as advised which will probably mean running at a slower rate than i walk but if that is the way to progress then i am giving it a go. I can only dream of getting to week 4 at the moment so well done, dont give up.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Chris--B

thank you! Good luck with your running :)

Irish-John profile image

My very first post on this Forum over three years ago was

"Is it possible I actually run slower than I walk!?"

Well, yes it was lol

However, since then I've had a great time running and my "speed" has improved by about 25% faster than my walking pace :)

Bottom line for me is :

No way did I ever go for "walks" that I did not feel I "had to". And if you had suggested I walk 5k, 10k, ten miles, a half marathon...well, you would have either not known me well or if you did you would have been joking.

Yet - I now do those distances and enjoy the whole process immensely. To day nothing of the side benefits - better physical and mental health, a new enthusiasm to see new places by running there, good friends here on the Forum, a renewed interest in writing - something I'd long abandoned but now lots of material based on what I see and experience as a Runner - and always another event or route to look forward to.

Don't worry about speed please. I doubt any of us will ever set world records - but we do have a hell of a lot of fun setting personal ones :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future :)

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Irish-John

Dear Irish-John, it is great to hear of your experiences. Your running sounds fantastic. I finished week 4 today with an even slower parkrun time but I am not discouraged. Many thanks and good luck with your running and writing :)

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to silverflowers

I'm glad you are not quitting :) I'll look forward to reading your "Runaverssiry" post in 2020 :)

Benegg profile image

Hi silver flowers, I can understand how you feel. I recommend maintaining a stage you feel most comfortable with until you feel more confident progressing to the next stage. What is most important is that you're doing it and if you persist you will surprise yourself on how well your performance improves. It is by no means a race but a step closure towards a healthier life. Good luck, enjoy and keep going!

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Benegg

Thank you! I am still going. I start week 5 tomorrow and am ready to repeat days or weeks if things don't go well. :)

Baldydoublechin profile image

I’m slowing down at week 1 run 3 so it could be worse, I just put a post on about it. My plan is to repeat week 1 before progressing to give my body a chance to get used to it. At least I won’t feel like I’m failing completely.

silverflowers profile image
silverflowersGraduate in reply to Baldydoublechin

You are not failing - well done for getting going with the programme. I did 4 weeks of walking at my parkrun before I started doing couch to 5k. Every time you go out you are getting fitter and stronger. Just stick with it - you will get there :)

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to Baldydoublechin

Give your body all the time it needs and be kind to yourself. Loads of us repeated weeks, but we got there in the end. I think sometimes couch to 5k gets such a good press that it's easy to forget that it will take effort and determination. You will do it though! Your plan sounds very sensible. Good luck.

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