Hello all,
I am incredibly proud of myself this week.
I had a staff training day on Friday, which I was dreading. I was also going to London to visit the mother-in-law that evening and didn't want the hassle of having to carry around an extra change of clothes to go for my Week4Run1 run in the evening, so the only thing left was to run before I went to school for the training day.
Now, I am absolutely NOT a morning person. I grumble and click the snooze button (multiple times). Some days I have to actually tell myself to get out of bed before I do it, and even then it's a challenge. Plus on staff training days I usually have a bit of a lie-in because it's not such a big deal if I'm a few minutes late into the main hall.
It was incredibly windy out there, and it wasn't always easy, but I felt so amazed and proud of myself when Laura told me at the end of the podcast that I'd ran for a total of 16 minutes. That's double what I was doing in Week 1! I was so pleased with myself and after the cool-down I went home to shower and get ready for the day. Today I completed Week4Run2 and feel great.
I initially started Couch25K because I wanted to get fitter, more toned and to possibly help me to lose some weight. I never actually thought that I'd begin to enjoy running, that the evenings when I put on my trainers are the ones I enjoy most. I had a feeling that maybe my sister might turn out to be right when she laughed at me when I shared my New Year's Resolution with her (to complete Couch25K). I've been on Citalopram since May last year for depression and anxiety, but when I last visited my GP at the tail-end of Week 2, we agreed to start gradually weaning me off the meds because my mood has improved so much. I feel like I'm accomplishing something every time I run. I've never once given up on myself. This community has been a part in this, too - without the lovely encouraging comments from graduates and newbies alike I think this process would have been much more challenging.
So, even though I'm only halfway through, I just wanted to give a big 'thank you' to those of you who're rooting for me =]