... do people feel they get the same mental health benefits running on a treadmill as they do running outdoors?
Out of interest ...: ... do people feel they get... - Couch to 5K
Out of interest ...

No. I get some.
I get a "relief" feeling of being able to get a workout and work up a sweat and at achieving either a time or distance goal but I get a much greater benefit from being outdoors, it feeds the soul as well as the obvious benefits of fresh air.

No...but it is better than no run ,when it is icy outside... and I do get to 'run' in some great locations as I watch Virtual runs while I do it
My favourite is one in snow; The Old Man's Cave Snow run..it is awesome... !
That's great! I never thought of looking on you tube for those, I might have a look now. You can hear his spikes 👍🏻🤣
I follow one...and he runs at my pace...we breathe in time!😉 There is also one..where the runner ducks under a plank across a bridge...I found myself ducking under it too..🤣

That's my sense of it, but I wondered if it was just me. I don't use the treadmill but I do like the crosstrainer and the rowing machine. I come away with a sense that I've 'done something ', or fulfilled an obligation. I never get the same sense of achievement and calm as I do from running outdoors.

I've never used a treadmill so I can't compare. But i love running outside 😊

For me, yes. It's the sense of achievement of having set out to do something and doing it successfully. So yes, I still get all the feel good factor from having achived what I set out to do.
I do yes but I know some people can't stand the treadmill. I do my running on a treadmill and I much prefer it.

I run on a treadmill if I have to due to the weather, but I HATE it! We were running on a horrible dark night last week when we heard loads of geese flying over on their way to the pond. It's moments like that which keep me running during the dark nights

For me I need to run outside. I think it's very personal as these answers show!
I appear to be a bit of an anomaly in that I actually prefer running on a treadmill!
- My balance is poor, and on a treadmill I don't have to contend with sudden irregularities in the road surface
- I'd be too anxious to run outside alone, thanks to the number of times I've had things yelled at me from vehicles whilst going about my life
- Related to above, the gym is inside, well lit and has CCTV. Outside is (now) dark and cold (I hate cold!)
- Easier to work out what to wear! I don't have to take into account, rain, wind, etc. because I'm inside. Nor do I have to work out how to carry lighting with me, or carry my phone as it all just goes into the locker
- I have terrible reaction times, and on a treadmill I don't need to suddenly have to contend with small children on a variety of wheeled contraptions, animals, footballs, etc.
I don't find that any potential benefit of being outside is enough to counteract the stress and anxiety of all the above, but I realise that's probably just be being a bit weird!