It took a while but all summer up to now I have been doing the run at my own pace and feel great! Both my dog and myself feel fitter and she certainly looks thinner...I don't but hopefully when I get my blood test for cholesterol it will be lower!! I'll know at the end of the month!
I've started listening to 45 minute long podcasts when running with BIG headphones as the small one keep popping out!
I am 51 and even though in my dreams I've run miles, I had never run before doing this course. Thank you so much for the excellent podcasts, support, encouragement and belief that someone like me could do this.
Now my 15 year old daughter is starting. I'm sure she will take the actual 9 weeks instead of 16. And our dog is extremely happy
Good luck to everyone else out there. I admire ALL RUNNERS, all sizes, shapes and ages.