Recently graduated and on consolidation runs, my heel pain is getting worse. When I'm running, it's painless. Walking or standing is the problem. Takes ages to loosen when I've been resting it. I've tried the NHS exercises and following PRICE. Going to doctor tomorrow evening. Do I run tomorrow morning? It's been four days and I don't want to lose fitness, having come so far. Thoughts?
Heel pain when NOT running: Recently graduated... - Couch to 5K
Heel pain when NOT running
I would rest. If it is Achilles tendon or plantar fascitis, it needs careful treatment.
You lose next to no condition in the first two weeks of non running.
Rest and stretch, and stretch some more. If you rub the back of your heels is it sore? Is it sore from when you get out of bed?
If so try plenty of heel raises and dips. Also check out this video, these guys are great
Thanks GoGo_JoJo. Not the back, but the base. And absolutely from the first step in the morning - agony! It gradually eases but never goes away. Will check out the YouTube later, husband glaring at the paused TV!!
The base is more likely to be Plantar Fasciitis 👎🏼 are your shoes right for you/professionally fitted?
Check this one out when you can
Yup, that's it. Seen these guys before and they fixed something else for me! Thanks so much, will follow these myself whilst (hopefully)waiting on a physio appointment post doctor tonight.
As in lovely sharp pain that greets you when leaving the bed in the morning? In my case that was the Achilles. Stubborn healer and debilitator, fun killer all round. A physio fixed it with exercises that I followed religiously three times per day like a good boy that l am. I never stopped running but l had to change the intensity and eventually all calmed down after a few months. I still do those exercises though. Achilles inflammation can hit anyone, including elite athletes so don't despair. In terms of fitness, two of my injuries stopped me to an extent that l went all the way from the beginning of C25K and I repeated every step. Twice. Don't worry, persist and you'll come out stronger.
Eeeek this sounds like Plantar fascitis to me - I had a very similar issue in August, but some good physio exercises and icing my foot with a frozen water bottle worked wonders!
Really appreciate your advice, everyone. Still don't understand why the only time it doesn't hurt is when I'm running, can only guess I'm stretching my muscles and tendons differently but will reluctantly stop for now.
I have the same pain when not running, I'm doing daily standing calf stretches that seem to be helping.
Thanks for sharing this. I developed a similar ache at the side of my ankle, so not exactly as you have described. It’s more of a niggle and it goes away. I didn’t think to ask ☺️. But, GoGo_JoJo’s 1st video was spot on for me. So, I’ve now got some post run stretches that I’m sure will help. ❤️