Advice please: Hi all, I’m right at the... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Advice please

Fairy220480 profile image
43 Replies

Hi all, I’m right at the beginning and just at week one but just wanted to enquire about running in the mornings. So far I’ve done week one in the evenings and prior to that used a cross trainer in the evenings to try and prepare myself before starting! 😊 I’m curious to know about running first thing in the morning, do people just get up and go? Or allow time to eat/drink first? I’m a worrier and probably just over-thinking it!

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Fairy220480 profile image
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43 Replies
Fatgirlslim19 profile image

Hi! Are you a morning person? I LOVE my early morning run, and feel it really sets me up for the day (although I am ready for bed earlier too 😂)

For me, I get up and go. A quick trip to the loo and a swig of water and I'm off.

If you do decide to have something to eat or drink beforehand, make sure you leave about 30 minutes before heading out.

As long as you hydrate well every day, you'll be fine to go out on an empty stomach.

Have fun!

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Fatgirlslim19

Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I am more of a morning person so getting up and going out doesn’t phase me, I’m more stressing about the fact will I be ok running on an empty stomach, don’t want to feel faint etc

Fatgirlslim19 profile image
Fatgirlslim19Graduate in reply to Fairy220480

I think you should be ok at this stage without breakfast first. You could try it and see how you get on? Do you have enough time to eat, wait and then go out? My early one has to be this way - and it works fine for me - because I have to get back before my husband leaves at 7.

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Fatgirlslim19

No I’d only have time to get up and go, would need to go before other half leaves for work and then the whole getting ready for work/school begins. Perhaps I’ll just give it a go on Friday and see how it goes, I guess I just turn around and head back home if it doesn’t feel right and put it down to the whole experience?!

Fatgirlslim19 profile image
Fatgirlslim19Graduate in reply to Fairy220480

That sounds like a good plan, just try it and see! For me, as long as I'm hydrated enough it's fine. My early run I'm out just before 6, do a 30 minute run and then head back for water, then breakfast at normal time. Let us know!x

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Fatgirlslim19

Will keep you updated!

Buddy34 profile image

Some people on here do just get up and go . Not for me though I like to eat something like weetabix then run 2 hours later . It's really what's right for you 😊

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Buddy34

Thank you. I guess it trial and error and finding what works best?

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to Fairy220480

Yes exactly. I ran once without eating and found it really wasn't working for me 😊

Fairy220480 profile image

Thanks both, really appreciate your advice 👍

Lurcher2 profile image

I like to have a small breakfast then run later on. I tried once to run without eating and I was a wobbly (rather big) mess 🥴 I get up early to let the chickens out and I only manage that through half closed eyes, I’d never manage to ‘run’ early. ha

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Lurcher2

Thank you. Won’t have time for that approach in the week but something to explore for weekends 👍

Kevtrev profile image

I used to eat before running but I have tried it and it worked for me I even found that I was running better as your body is pretty resilient and stores energy so when you run then eat your body will burn more calories 😉

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Kevtrev

So an added bonus 👍

Kevtrev profile image
Kevtrev in reply to Fairy220480

It definitely is 😉👍

I'm a morning person too and do my runs first thing in the morning. I find I need a drink of water before I go but am fine having breakfast when I get back. And I'm someone who tends to start feeling faint if I'm more than a couple of hours late with my lunch. Give it a go and see how you feel.

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to CheeryLittlebottom

Great, thank you, that’s what I was concerned about. Like you say, I’ll just have to give it a go!

Jell6 profile image

I just get up, clean my teeth, get dressed and go, I don't have anything at all.

I do try to drink at least 2 litres the day before ( I really struggle to do this, as I generally don't feel thirsty)

I love being up and out before most of the world wakes up 😊

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Jell6

I tend to drink quite a lot of water generally so that should help. Thank you!

SlowLoris profile image
SlowLoris in reply to Jell6

Remembering to get dressed is wise.

Fatgirlslim19 profile image
Fatgirlslim19Graduate in reply to SlowLoris


Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to SlowLoris

I thought it was worth mentioning 🤣

SlowLoris profile image
SlowLoris in reply to Jell6

When you get to my age it's quite a useful reminder.

2718281 profile image
2718281Graduate in reply to SlowLoris

I'm not a morning person, I would need the reminder!!

Oldgirlruns profile image

Hi Fairy! I usually run in the mornings too and tend to have a very small cup of green tea or water and half a banana about half an hour before I go out. Any more than that and everything would be sloshing around inside as I trotted along. The other morning I had no bananas so I had a couple of small tomatoes straight from the garden - probably not the same nutritional value but at least my tum wasn’t complaining!

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Oldgirlruns

Thank you, appreciate the feedback 👍

Annieapple profile image

I love running first thing... eat a bit of yoghurt with blueberries go out on run and then come home to coffee wholewheat toast and avocado or banana or tomato! I find getting up and going without thinking about it easier than waiting all day to do it.

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to Annieapple

Thank you

SlowLoris profile image

Your body will adapt to how you train it. Running on an empty stomach is fine. Personally I like a decent cup of coffee first.

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to SlowLoris

Thank you, I hadn’t considered that

UnfitNoMore profile image

Keep hydrated and then just get up and go. Breakfast tastes so much better just after a run anyway.

Welcome and enjoy your journey.

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

I guess you probably enjoy it knowing you earned it!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to Fairy220480

Some call it smugfast... one of many terms in the glossary in the pinned posts.

RunningChocoholic profile image

Hi Fairy, I find it really hard to motivate myself after work so love early morning runs. Personally I always make sure I’m well hydrated from the day before and then have just a small glass of water and head out on an empty stomach. Depending on the distance I take my emergency jelly babies and that gets me through. When I’m nearly finished I think about the well earned cup of tea I’ll soon be having! It’s all trial and error so find what works best for you. Xx

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to RunningChocoholic

Emergency jelly babies? Like the sound of that! 😊

RunningChocoholic profile image
RunningChocoholicGraduate in reply to Fairy220480

Ha ha I have a wrist band I can fit three jelly babies in. If I’m feeling thirsty or feel I deserve a treat I pop one in my mouth and just let it melt. I don’t take water out with me so these are nice little boosts! X

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to RunningChocoholic

I bought a belt so I had peace of mind I could take inhaler with me... but imagine the number of jelly babies I could fit in there??!😂

RunningChocoholic profile image
RunningChocoholicGraduate in reply to Fairy220480

Fairy it’s a win win! It’s funny, my jelly babies are now my running treats and MUST NOT be eaten at any other time. Amazingly I’ve stuck to that rule as well 😂😂

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to RunningChocoholic

Might need to invest in some tomorrow 😊

CharliesMum11 profile image

Hi. I personally find an early morning run starts my day really well. I am an early waker so have a cup of tea and a digestive (no other will do!) in bed at about 6am. I am usually out of the door for my run by 6:45. I don't think I could eat anything else before. I have tried running at other times but still like the mornings best. Don't know what I'll do when the days get shorter! Don't worry too much. Try going out at various times and see what suits you. Trust the programme, it really works! Good luck and happy running :)

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to CharliesMum11

Thank you, think you’ve hit the nail on the head; try different times and see what works best

BarbieW profile image

I have always run first thing in the morning.

I set my alarm for 5.15 , have a sip of water, get dressed, (just thought I’d throw that in as somebody already mentioned that...) and out the door. Back by 6.30, shower, then get dressed properly and head out to drive to work at 7.00, where I eventually have the breakfast I have taken with me, usually yoghurt and fruit. Suits me perfectly, but it did take a little while to work it all out. Trial and error until you find what works best for you.

Good luck

Fairy220480 profile image
Fairy220480Graduate in reply to BarbieW

Thank you

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