27th consolidation run tonight with Laura. Felt good ran a little later than usual. Managed my 3rd fastest 5k a little disappointed as was going really well. Managing to get all personal bests for all distances except for 5k. Well 5k just over 1 3/4 minutes under 30 so should be pleased. Always another time. Time for a well earned whisky.
Tonight I went for it: 27th consolidation run... - Couch to 5K
Tonight I went for it


Well done. At least you tried. More miles in the legs. You will get there. Enjoy that whisky

Enjoy your whisky! I'd be delighted with that time.

Well done. Great running. I find it hard to do PB times when running on my own. So now I train hard with intervals or I train easy and when I’m going for a PB I’ll attempt it at a road race or Parkrun.
I just go with the flow on how I feel for each run. Sometimes I think I will run for time or distance and other times speed. I believe when I am running I am a determined bugger that won’t be defeated. I look to my mum if the gremlins are trying to win as I am sure she is running with me and talk with her when running. Daft I know but her spirit I am sure helps along with my music.

Great running. The thing with PB attempts is we have to go in all believing, but sometimes it doesn’t quite work out... and we have to know that up front too... they’re fun to chase, but they also like to tease us... it will come.

Great running, well done on your achievement of a sub 30 minute 5K, you're fast! 🏃🏃🏃

It's a shame that you feel disappointed after what was clearly a great run😶
Myself, I'd have been punching the air in joy, but we are all different!
These days my aim at the start is a minimum time, anything after that is all good.🥃🥃