So. Tuesday I completed day 1 of week 9 with my first ever 30 minute run. Felt ecstatic and so proud of myself. Taught my zumba class Tuesday night after a day at work. Wednesday is a complete rest day from now on. Spent the day sitting in a really crap chairat work. Yesterday which should have been run day my back went into spasms and I am now pretty much unable to move and on extremely high dosage diazepam to try and get it unlocked. I have back issues as it is so this is something I am used to and the doc said it's not related to my running- to be honest the only time my back doesn't hurt us when I'm exercising....
So. The plan is as soon as I am able to I will repeat week 8 and then do week 9.
Keep doing what you're doing people - you are amazing 💪