Only I could go out for my graduation run and fall off a kerb 18 minutes in. Bashing my knee on the road and good hit of the kerb with my wrist.
So disappointed ☹️
Only I could go out for my graduation run and fall off a kerb 18 minutes in. Bashing my knee on the road and good hit of the kerb with my wrist.
So disappointed ☹️
Ouch! Hopefully you’ve just sustained some visual injuries and nothing serious. Looking on the bright side, it’s a sporting injury, we can have pride in getting those!
Put the disappointment aside... be proud that only a fall stopped you, and after 18 minutes of running, something you couldn’t do a few weeks ago.
Heal well and enjoy that graduation run next time out.
Bugger, that's a disappointment. Hopefully nothing serious ! Do let us know
That's a shame hope you are ok . Take a few days rest or whatever you need and go back out again. Good luck 😊😊
Hoping it gets better quickly and that you can soon go out and have a great run that proves that pesky kerb wrong.
So sorry to hear that. From your replies it looks like no serious damage. Take a little time and go again. It will be all the sweeter. Someone one was saying in one of the other forums that your not a proper runner until you’ve fallen over the first time 😀.
Aaww luv u! Hope it is ‘only’ superficial bless! As the others have said, take a few days rest and try again 🤗 x
You poor thing, that must have hurt and been quite a shock. Hope you haven't done any serious damage and that you have a lovely, uneventful graduation run very soon. Wear your bruises with pride!
Oh God??? I hope you're ok????? Your graduation run will be waiting for you outside when you're rush x
Ouch and ouch again! Heal well, rest well and then head out for a really great Graduation run!
Ouch 😦 hope you are okay and able to finish that graduation run soon.
Oh no I hope you are OK 😢
It happens to us all in some manner or another. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off, you are so close to the finishing line x
Wow! Thank you everyone, so supportive. I do feel lucky I’ve no serious damage but looking like impressive bruises. Just so so disappointed and a little embarrassed 😳 was bound to happen at some point. I’m determined to graduate but maybe a different route lol 😂 I was trying to get round an overgrown bush on the path and just slipped sideways off the kerb 🤪 I’m lucky my daughter was with me as I regularly run solo