You’re all in inspiration! : So here I am never... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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You’re all in inspiration!

36 Replies

So here I am never ever been a runner. I was feeling so unfit and with a push from my daughter joined the gym 6 weeks ago and decided to make a change. I’ve just finished week 3 and dreading the thought of week 4 run 1 tonight... it just seems a big stretch 😳. It has been good to read other people’s progress and hopefully I will survive tonight and feel a bit more hopeful. 😉

36 Replies
Flaw profile image

You will survive it! I've just finished week 4 and was worried about the extra stretch too- but the programme is fab and of course I managed it and you will too! I was elated to be able to run 5 minutes without stopping. Let us know how you get on!

in reply to Flaw

Thanks, I will keep going and give it my best shot. Surprised myself at how well I have done so far so definitely seems to work 😊

LeeU profile image

I've completed C25K previously and am re-doing it after not being able to run for a while.

What inspires me is the number of people joining and starting C25K for whatever reason, taking that first step, whether you are running outside or inside on a treadmill can be the scariest thing people do in a long time.

Congratulations on getting to week 3, just remember to take it slow and steady, trust the program and believe in yourself.

in reply to LeeU

Thank you 😊 It is amazing reading all the success stories. I have only been on the treadmill apart from once. I find the treadmill easier and thought I’d complete the course before heading outside as I know it will be harder.

LeeU profile image
LeeUGraduate in reply to

I also run on a treadmill, I used to have trouble managing my pace outside, my body thought I could run faster and longer than it actually could, hence the treadmill.

Always try to keep a 1 degree incline on the treadmill as it simulates the resistance you would have if running outside.

One good thing about treadmills though, this morning, rest day, I went for a 30 minute up hill walk, started with a 5 minute warm up walk on 1 degree, at 5 minutes it went to 6 degrees and then an extra 2 degrees every 2 minutes up until 14 minutes and then reverse it. My pace was kept steady at a fast walk throughout.

It's a good rest day walk, give it a try.

in reply to LeeU

Yes thanks for that I will give it a go 😊

JaoJao profile image

Enjoy and embrace each and every run. I have finished the c25k plan now and it’s been a wonderful and rewarding journey, it almost went by too fast

in reply to JaoJao

Thanks... I always dread doing it but always feel so good once I’m finished. Dreading the first five minute run tonight ... yikes

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate in reply to

Your anxiety, I am sure, will resolve once you do more and longer runs.

If you look back, you would not fear Week1 presently. But before it you may have been scared.

But if the next step is too scary, you can always repeat a run, and that makes you stronger and hopefully less stressed.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading and I recommend you follow the link to the post about mental approach.

Trust the plan, believe in yourself and enjoy the journey.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thanks and yes i will definitely read the info on the link

backintime profile image

You've got this ! Relax, slow and steady, all the things you learnt so far have built you up for it.

in reply to backintime

Thanks feeling more confident after all the lovely comments 😊

Laurzmum profile image

You can do this. If I can you can !!! In Jan I put the couch into c25k!! Slow and steady and remember this is as much mental as physical 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ Good luck

in reply to Laurzmum

Thanks .... when I’m moving to the next level I always aim for the previous level and think come on another 30 seconds and manage to keep going so yeah definitely mental attitude too

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate in reply to

In no time you will be running for 30 minutes. Only a few weeks to go.

notquiteretired profile image

hello Newbie-runner, you are doing well getting to week4, you doing fine, dont panic you can do this just remember its nit a race 🐢 slow and steady😊👍

in reply to notquiteretired

Thanks and yes definitely taking it slow at the moment. Just want to keep going. Did you ever repeat a run at current level before moving on to next level?

notquiteretired profile image

no I didnt repeat any runs , I thought why repeat if you can move forwards but I always gave myself permission that if the next run was too hard and I cudnt do it then I would .( others on here I know have repeated runs , really its how you feel that counts)

Best advice I was given was keep it slow , its not a race dont look took far ahead in the programme and take extra rest days if needed

good luck

Nanarunrun profile image

You're doing brilliantly! You will be able to do it for sure... As others have said just slow down if you're struggling.. 😊

in reply to Nanarunrun

Thanks just getting ready to head out 🤞 😊

Oldfloss profile image

Delight not dread... anticipation not apprehension... slow and steady you are ready for each and every run; the posts bear witness to that:)

You are going to be fine:)

in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks, going soon will keep your comments in my head 😊

backintime profile image

So how did it go ?

in reply to backintime

I did it!!! 😄 not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Kept thinking of all the comments I’ve had today and thought “I can do this”

Thank you ☺️

backintime profile image
backintimeGraduate in reply to

Brilliant ! I hope that build your confidence up a bit, well done !

in reply to backintime

Thanks and much happier I thought this would be a tough week for me ☺️

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate in reply to

Nice you got this far. If you struggle, keep an extra rest day. I hope all will be fine. Thanks for following me now! :-)

Have you done a gait analysis?

in reply to Elisabeth3

No I haven’t. What will that show? Totally green here 😆

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate in reply to

I think you can read more information about the gait analysis in the FAQ, see the reply from IannodaTruffe above with the link.

Basically, in a specialist shop or physio, etc. they measure your feet and you choose a few shoes and run on the treadmill where they record a video, and then bit by bit they analyse it. A few questions, where you plan to run, surface, distance, etc. The process is not long. It helps you to buy the appropriate shoes.

It is free, and there is no obligation to buy the shoes there but of course it is a good practice if you are thinking of a purchase anyway.

Useful to take your current shoes with you, so that they can see how / at which parts they wear off.

I hope this helps.

in reply to Elisabeth3

Thanks, there is a place near me that offer this service so will go along to see them and see what they can suggest.

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate in reply to

I hope it works for you. Keep in mind that the shoes appropriate can be around £100 a pair the latest models, so if you want to spend less, ask for running out styles.

in reply to Elisabeth3

That’s fine, if they help me then I don’t mind

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate in reply to

Let us know how it goes..

PoppetPandy profile image

You did it! I think being on here really makes the difference.

in reply to PoppetPandy

Thanks and yes it definitely helps. The comments keep me going I think I would have struggled without the support and reading everyone’s stories keeps me focused

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