Just completed my first 5 min run yaaay! I actually can't believe it. I was going quite slow though. Hopefully I'll get a little faster as time goes on🙏🙏
First five min run😀😀: Just completed my first... - Couch to 5K
First five min run😀😀

Well done! I never thought I could run, but I'm now in week 7 and can run for 25 minutes! I'm not fast but very enthusiastic! Happy running

Great and slow is good it will get you through to the end of each run good luck 😊

Fabulous. It’s amazing how you thought you couldn’t run for 60 seconds a few weeks ago and now you’re at 5 minutes. No stopping you now!
Way back when I was at Primary School I used to win many of the short at that time I think they were "50-yard dash sprints", after that I did not run at all and took up cycling.
Forward 40 years, noticed C25K on the Internet and before I began week 1 experimented in running and walking a measured 5K course by running quickly for 1 minute and walking smartly for two minutes, over the 5K course I took 40 minutes so after I completed C25K and ran my first 'official 5K' over the same course I was determined that I should run it in just under 35 minutes which I managed in around 34.40, a few weeks later I run my PB 5K in 32.25.

Well done to you. What an amazing thing it is to achieve that. Don’t worry about speed just follow the program and keep focussed on your graduation. Happy running.
Great going x. I have just finished week four and I’m very slow but once I can get my endurance built up I’m going to build up my speed, there’s some great advice on these forums especially the half marathon one for increasing speed, but I think it’s best to go the distance first x good luck

Great work. Pace doesn’t matter, and it matters even less when you’re upping duration/distance. Pace won’t matter at all on this plan... and it may never matter to you. Your pace is your pace, and as you’re completing these runs then it’s a very good pace. Faster is for weeks 12+, just run this plan like you did today and you’ll be a better runner for it.
Enjoy that next run.
Thankyou for posting, have had great reassurance from reading all the positive replies. I too was worried about running slowly, but great to hear that it's more important to just keep putting one foot in front of the other! Happy running, from a fellow 'slow but going to get there' runner 😊