I am just in my week 1 , just completed today run 3 and I am find this very difficult but I joined in June 1st for a 5K rave and I am not going to have time time to complete the 9 weekend before then... would you suggest me to keep going and complete to whatever level I reach before the race or just jump some of the runs here so I reach the final level before the race?I have never run. This is my first time trying this!
Week 1 run - ok to skip some runs and jump to ... - Couch to 5K
Week 1 run - ok to skip some runs and jump to next level?
I would definitely stick to the programme and see where you are up to in June. Skipping ahead may cause injury. I know first hand that this programme works.
Stick to the programme. It conditions your body to deal with longer running. If you want to speed it up (which you obvs want to) you could run every other day from now instead of 3 times a week. Please make sure you have a recovery day between runs as this reduces injury risk. So if you run every other day from now are you closer to your target?
If you skip runs and jump weeks, I’m afraid your body won’t be conditioned and you will most likely hurt yourself in some way.
This community forum will help you with most things.
Good luck to you x
Don’t skip any runs... they’re carefully designed to keep the injury risk down and also to have your legs ready. If you run every other day, it becomes a 6 day week which will help. When the race comes you’ll know how far you are running and so you can take a brisk walk break in the middle to stick to that... many people do this at 5k events.
Enjoy your journey. You’ll be ready to run the next 5k event you sign up to!
Don't skip any runs or rest days...just carry on through the plan and wherever you are on the race day..walk/run the 5K.
Better safe and slow, than speedy and sorry.
Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
This is a brilliantly structured training plan which will get you running for 30 minutes if you stick to it. The rest days are part of the plan and are crucial for new runners.
Jumping ahead will likely end in injury
Enjoy your journey.
I would keep to the programme & do what you are able on 1st June. You don’t want to injure yourself or put yourself off altogether. Repeat some weeks if it helps. I have done that in the past. 😀