"Get Crazy With The Cheese Wedge": And that's it... - Couch to 5K

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"Get Crazy With The Cheese Wedge"

PaulS83 profile image
33 Replies

And that's it! The stabilisers are now off and stowed. No more walk-breaks. I'm off to play with the big kids.

Week six, runs one and two are strewn behind me like a trail of debris and have been banished to that moist, dank section right at the back of my brain which is reserved for the deepest, darkest memories. Like the time I misjudged a pump in public.

That never happened. But if it did, it'd be back there, padlocked in a splintery wooden crate alongside those last two runs.

I'd read a lot on this forum about how the first couple of runs of week six catches a lot of people out and I can see why.

Running and walking? Pfft! I just went and did twenty minutes straight. That's nearly a marathon.

I was wrong, It was bloody hard.

During W6R1, and for the first time in this programme, I had a couple of seconds of forced stoppage mid-run whilst trying to cross a road. That’s more frustrating than stubbing your toe. So I decided it was time to get cosy on the couch with my inner geek and Google Maps and devise a new route that covers my current distance, has room for extension and provides the least amount of road crossings. I even categorised each crossing by potential. i.e. cul-de-sac: low chance of car, call it a Cat1. Main road: dead cert. Cat5.

I don't like change. I shaved my wispy beard off over the weekend (under much duress) and I'm still screaming like a choirboy with a lungful of helium when I catch sight of myself in the toilet mirror.

"Arrrrgggghhhh! Pervert!"

I liked doing the same route. It gave me a sense of progress. I had my markers: The pub, Pervert's Pass, the other pub, the pub after that, the chinese takeway, the house with a washing machine in the front garden and the pub. I used to think, "By next week, I can run past all this. That probably just needs a new motor. I could murder some shredded beef. Last week, I was walking past here. Oop. Mind the dog poo."

As I was increasing the distance, I kept having to tack extra bits onto the route, like Frankenstein assembling his monster, thinking, who wouldn't benefit from a fifth leg? But in doing so, I was creating more and more turns, crossings and cars. Runners should have right of way. I've just decided.

But, anyway, I've now got a shiny new sleek and efficient run-route to terrorise.

There goes the neighbourhood!

I can imagine an estate agent showing a young couple into a potential starter home. She's six months pregnant, he's in a Burton's shirt and tie, he's also a millenial so he's not wearing any socks, they're gazing up at the sprouting shrubs of their new lives, their eyes welling up with hope, expectation and dreams. You can almost taste the imagination as it oozes through their pores and wafts around them, propelled by the thought of what they can do to make this humble little abode Their Home.

Then, in the near distance, a soft but heavy rhythmic grunting is carried by the wind. It gets louder.

And louder.

And then He appears around the corner.

He is more sweat than man. His nose is snotting almost down to his chin. There is a string of dribble-cum-spit, weaved like a spider's web down to his chest. The ground thuds with every footplant. He passes by in a haze of horribleness and slowly disappears around the next corner. The grunting subsides.

The estate agent looks nervously into the disgusted eyes of the prospective buyers.

"Er...don't worry about him. He's harmless enough." She turns back to the house, "Did I mention there is generous storage spa..."

She is cut off by the sound of a car door slamming and tyres screaching for traction as the young couple's Ford C-Max scrambles away and off into the distance.

That's how it goes in my head anyway.

It's a strange thing, my head.

Yesterday evening I did my W6R2 which is ten-three-ten and the final walk-break of the whole damned shebang. I'm going to miss them. So many happy times.

For the first ten minutes, I felt great, prancing along like a Gazelle. I really felt my progress coming along. I was trying to judge my conversational pace by singing along to my music. Don't ever do this to Beck, will you? Especially when you're running past teenage girls. There's a good chance you'll inadverantly tell them to get crazy with the cheese wedge and run off. I was dodging police cars for the rest of my run.

When I worked out my route, me and my geek-side worked out my spilts. 1K is at this corner. 2K is at the end of Dog Sh*t Alley. 3K is turning onto the harbour-front, 4K is on the bridge...

I usually walk 0.5K in the warm-up, and I'll do 1.5K in 10 minutes (or thereabouts) so I'll be just past Dog Sh*t Alley, and then I'll be walking. Or scraping. Depending on how good my reflexes have been.

But for all my algorithms, DSA comes and goes and I'm still running. I got almost to the harbour before MJ gave me permission to slow down.

Including the warm-up, warm-down and interval, I did 5.1K.

No wonder I'm back to constantly managing niggles again. I remember this from playing football. I used to just patch myself up, rest between matches, get my legs back into a space where they're not tighter than the last parking space in the multstorey and then go again. Even if they are.

After every run now, I can't bend my knee unaided. I have to grab hold of my ankle and handball it up to do my stretches. Because of this, my whole left leg is slightly off-kilter and I'm feeling it in my calf and hamstring. I'm stretching it out on rest days, keeping the mobility up and getting the pain down, convincing myself that it feels OK and then going out again. It becomes background, like a white-noise, and just part of life. I call it niggle-tolerance, trying to nurse myself through. I'm worried that if I go to a physio, they'll tell me to rest up for a few weeks, and I've got a Tiger by the tail here.

So, if I don't go, they won't know about it, it won't concern them, right?

Man logic.

I've got my Vimove thingy tomorrow on the dreaded Treadmill (spoken over ominous sound effects). I'm hoping super-shoes and an articulated knee brace will iron me out a bit and my little complaints can improve on the go (they're not getting worse).

I didn't feel ready for W5R3 when it came about, I thought I'd have more chance of having a dry toilet seat after my morning pee (any women moaning about men not straight-shooting down the hole have no notion of the inexplicable sidewards stream) than being able to conquer that challenge. I feel exactly the same after W6R2. I was begging for MJ to tell me it was all over. I would've given him jewels to tell me I'd nailed it five minutes earlier than he did...

...I've just had a thought.

I reckon that this programme has made me a high potential case for Stockholm Syndrome. I'll be turning up at MJ's house with a heartshaped box of chocolates and a bottle of Rose.

But I'll give the W6R3 a go, I suppose. I'll have my super-shoes by then too, so there's no chance of slow-and-steadying it. I'll be out to see what those bad-boys can do.

Happy running people!

Written by
PaulS83 profile image
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33 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image

When I see your posts pop up in the future, Paul, I need to put the kettle on and settle down with a cuppa (or something stronger if it’s the evening) for a good read!

Brilliant! 😅👏😅👏😅

How long and euphoric will your post be after W6R3 - and more to the point, your graduation run? I’ll need to block the whole morning/afternoon off! 🤣

Sounds like you’ve got this nailed though. The bogey runs are behind you and now you’re free-wheeling to the podium. Send MJ my love. He was my buddy and I used to talk to him (ie answer his questions, agree with his suggestion to hydrate or have a bite of banana.) Lovely man. 😍

Happy running Paul! Hope your new route works out! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Haha, I do the same with MJ. Well, more argue than converse. I’ve said things to him that I regret when the dust settles.

I’ll try and give you fair notice the next time I open up my brain like a tin of soup and gloop the contents all over the forum!

UnfitNoMore profile image

Great read! Running past pubs is hard... especially when the door is open!

You’re gonna love the new shoes... and that 25 minutes... it’s what you came here to do. One day you can unlock that shed and kick W6R1s ass of course... but first it’s time to just run, and relax into that rhythm, letting the mind wonder and taking in the scenery. Happy running, you got this.

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to UnfitNoMore

I’m scared to open the door to that shed. The contents are precariously jammed in with a high potential to collapse over me like a burst septic tank!

Re W6R3, I’m not sure where that extra exertion is going to come from. I’ve serached high and low and don’t think I’ve got it on me. We’ll see though...

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to PaulS83

It’s in there... relax and believe

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to UnfitNoMore

I’ll have another look!

SeeJillRun profile image

Crying laughing here! 🤣🤣🤣 My daughter reliably informs me it’s ‘get crazy with the cheese whizz’ but honestly I prefer a good cheese wedge any day. Sorry to hear your knee troubles are still ongoing n I really hope the new super shoes help.

On the subject of DSA n MJ taking a long time to tell you to stop running, I saw a post the other day from someone saying that the timings on one of the later MJ runs on the app were completely off n that it took him 20 minutes to say to stop running when it should’ve taken a lot less. I’ve had some issues with the timings being off too though only by a few minutes. Might be worth bearing in mind for your future runs.

Hope all goes well tomorrow with the Vimove assessment, I’m looking forward to reading all about it 😊

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to SeeJillRun

It appears Google concurs with your daughter. Equally as nonsensical though, and the prosecution is the same either way!

I think MJ got his timings right on this one, I just got caught in that black hole where nanoseconds feel like epochs.

SeeJillRun profile image
SeeJillRunGraduate in reply to PaulS83

Yes, Beck’s good for a bit of nonsense isn’t he 😆

Oh yes, I know those nanoseconds well. Hope the next run is better 🤞

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to SeeJillRun

Got to love a bit of Beck. And a bit of nonsense. I certainly like a bit of nonsense. Don’t know if it shows?

SeeJillRun profile image
SeeJillRunGraduate in reply to PaulS83

Hmm, can’t say that I‘d noticed lol 🤔😂

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply to PaulS83

So do I ! I can't stop singing "my tambourine is still shakin" I sing it out loud any time any place, not just on runs. Blush

Buddy34 profile image

Ha ha long but funny post great running good luck for the rest of c25k😊

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Buddy34

It was a long one today. If I sent it off to an editor they could probably reduce the content down to two setentences. I love a good nonsensical round the houses rant.

Jell6 profile image

There are so many aspects of this that I could single out....

"It's a strange thing, my head"

Some things go without saying!🤯🤯

The inexplicable sideways stream!!!!🚽

The frequent use of the K word!

I am sending you many "see a physio " thoughts, but don't for a minute think they will make a difference.

Hopefully your assessment and new trainers will.😊

PaulS83 profile image

Too much tonight? 😬😬😬

Super-shoes can fix everything. They would’ve had Stephen Hawkins up and about! Would’ve had to still tow that chair about though, if he ever needed to speak.

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to PaulS83

Don't know if this is a reply, or a random thought that you are just throwing out there.

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Jell6

It was intended as a reply...

You mentioned trainers. That was my prompt to head off on a wild tangent about super shoes.

I’m off now to my analysis. I’m strangely excited 😜 . Photos to follow. Ones better suited to a 1984 copy of Razzle. (That’s a reference to shoe porn, in case it’s too early to surf my wavelength)

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to PaulS83

😊, never too early I've been out, done 5k .

The Stephen Hawking reference was...yes, very funny 😂

I really hope your analysis is successful.

Can't wait for your post😬🤯, and photo.

Tonkabella profile image

A smile comes to my face every time I see your name come up for a new post 😊. They are sooo random and amusing, I could almost wish you not being able to complete this cause your posts will stop when you do. 😢Welcome to the world of non walks running 😊. I love it and don’t miss the walks one bit. Hope all goes well with the shoe fitting..... you’ve really got this nailed 🍀😊🏃🏼‍♀️

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Tonkabella

It’s take more than a little graduation to get rid of me! Trust me, people have been trying it for years!

Tonkabella profile image
Tonkabella in reply to PaulS83

Good 😊🏃🏽‍♀️

ktsok profile image

Fortune cookie: Go faster and it will be over quicker.

ktsok profile image

Are you ok?

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to ktsok

I’m still sulking that I typed out an unabridged version of War and Peace last week and lost it before I could post. Haven’t had time (or energy) to try and reassemble it from the random ramblings that circle my brain like starved vultures.

I’m OK, thanks. Had to rest the k**e (treated as a swear word these days) for a couple of weeks and now picked up the lurgey. Well, it was lovingly passed on to me from wife and daughter. There’s more grog than a pirate’s drinks menu. I was targeting tonight but I’m not going to be up for it, but it’ll be one day this week when I go for the big comeback.

ktsok profile image
ktsokGraduate in reply to PaulS83

Ah, glad you are alive. Yes, a careless swipe is all it takes to lose a post. It’s happened to me a few times and I was convinced every time I had just written the most perfectly crafted, scintillating post... ah well.

Don’t sulk. Consider the lost post part of the training; a bad run, if you like.

Hope the lurgy buggers off quickly 🙂

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to ktsok

I wondered that too!

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Jell6

Nice to know I’m missed. Like that white noise that you didn’t realise was subconsciously drives you crazy until it suddenly stops!

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to PaulS83

I was giving you 2 weeks in case you were on holiday!!!.

I missed the deadline as I have been stricken by a monstrous lurgy, so evil in its manifestation that I think I will be on day 2 pretty much confined to bed😷🤒🤧🤧

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Jell6

Yeah, sounds like our house. My neighbours have crudely painted a red cross on our front door.

There’s loads going around, hope you feel better soon. Plenty of rest, plenty of vitamins and plenty of daytime TV...if you can stomach it.

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to PaulS83

Thank you, I'm more annoyed that I have had to miss a run!!

ktsok profile image
ktsokGraduate in reply to PaulS83

Crazy-making white noise people. Well, it’s better than Sphincter Kate.

misswobble profile image

Ta for making me laugh. I love a good titter. Running is not all that serious a subject after all. Ha ha

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