Feeling a bit disappointed - couldn't complete W5R3 without walking for a couple of minutes after about 15 mins of running. It really did feel a big jump from two eight minute runs to one 20 minute one. It was the legs and lungs talking more than the mind!! Can't decide whether to repeat W5 or go on to W6. What do others think?
W5R3 failed: Feeling a bit disappointed - couldn... - Couch to 5K
W5R3 failed

It’s never a failure as you would never be running 15 mins solidly previously. My self I would probably try again but others may say move on. I would go slower as it’s not the time or speed but the stamina you are building good luck
Thanks for the encouragement. Its the first time in the programme I havent managed to complete the runs so feeling a bit deflated. But not giving up.
Definitely not do not give up just take it slower and easier. There is so more time in the future to go for speed. Do not let the thought it’s 20 mins faze you. Run to music know the length of the songs and when they say 5 mins you know if it’s one more song if you have the right music. Helps for me especially if running alone.

Never use the f word (fail) here on C25K, maybe you ran a little too fast or were not hydrated enough. Try the same run on Sunday but tomorrow drink plenty of water, take the run on Sunday a little slower than today. 😊 🏃

I’d just repeat that run again n go slower. N it’s never a failure, rather a learning experience. You may have walked for a couple of minutes but you still completed the run so that’s definitely not a failure. Best of luck for next time!

Congratulation on having reached W5R3- this in itself is a huge achievement.
As others have said, this is not a failed run- you still managed to run!
I personally would try the same run again on sunday, and if it is still a big challenge then consider repeating week5 next week. You are not in competition with anyone, so just think about how far you have come already.
Keep up the great work, and feel proud of yourself.
15 minutes is a good run and useful training. Worth bearing in mind that a lot of the barriers are in your head. If you go out expecting to struggle you probably will. Do the run again but slow down a little and have faith in your ability. You can run for 20 minutes.

Well done, you gave it a go and will be better prepared for the next attempt.
Do not move on if you have not fully completed a workout........have a rest day then repeat, possibly a bit slower. No need to repeat the whole week though.
Remember it is a training plan, not a tick box exercise.
This post about mental approach may help healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
If you want a breakdown of W5, then you may find this useful healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Please don't use the F word on the forum!!!!!!
You can do this.

I’d repeat for sure. I get the disappointment... but when did you last run 15 minutes non stop? It’s a victory in itself if you think about it... when you started this 15 minutes was just as impossible as 30 minutes... and now it isn’t! Very well done. That run made you stronger, fitter and a better runner than you were at the start line. What you did today is, for me, the exact opposite of failure... you’ll get it next time.

Try again with wk5r3 before you move on just make sure you're going slow and then if needed slow down even more you can do this good luck😊

I thought this an interesting thread to jump on and raise a question- is there such a thing as running too slow?
I hear people say that their run is slower than their brisk walk, this probably applies to me. And I realise that in time my ‘running’ will become faster as my endurance develops.
I’ve noticed that I don’t become out of breath or feel particularly tired having completed each run which make me question if I’m going too slow?

What they said!
But all the very best of luck and encouragement from us. Just think of us cheering from the sidelines when you start to flag!
Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement. Need to think positive!

That is not a failure, you ran for the longest time you have ever run. I would do it again but slow down

I'd do the run again, then move on to week 6. I failed w6r1, the only one I failed in the entire thing. I just repeated it and carried on. 15 minutes running is still a lot though...