Never ever ever would I have thought that I could have just done what I have done over the last few months. Me...running...really!
But tonight I did my third 30 minuter of week 9 and graduated!
.....and that was after a knackering day at work, and in the dark, with no excuses!
Hope I can keep the momentum up without the challenge of the programme, but think I will consolidate the 30 mins for a while and then try and mix it up with some fast and slow fartleks (love that word!) runs, and longer runs (not massively, maybe 45 mins) alongside park runs. Fingers crossed! Be good to get to 5K in 30 mins as not got that yet (did do my first park run at 37 mins, so quite chuffed with that).
Onwards and upwards!
Suzie (with a seriously big grin, and fitter heart and lungs and legs !)