7k this morning. Was trying for slow pace to build up my endurence
Mate showed me this app. Have a look. Maps out your run. Apologies if someone else has mentioned it before.
7k this morning. Was trying for slow pace to build up my endurence
Mate showed me this app. Have a look. Maps out your run. Apologies if someone else has mentioned it before.
There’s a few apps that can do this - I use Strava myself.
I use strava as well. Didn't know it could do the wee map thing. I just thought it was cool.
Isn’t it ? I only started when I got to 6:3: I found it helpful for motivation once the intervals vanished. Love the orange squiggles 😂
Yeah you should see the squiggles for me playing footie. Within 5 mins of me finishing garmin updates then updates strava and then strava updates relive. I then have all my data and a wee video to watch my run. I just find this all very cool.
You techie ! That’s great stuff. Does it help you improve ? All I’ve learned so far is that I’m desperately slow in comparison with anyone putting stats on here 😄
Lot quicker than those still sitting on the couch though! And maybe you're all about endurance rather than speed...xx
If you run the same route each time you can see with strava that and even garmin if you have been quicker in parts. The whole relive thing is just for a bit a craic. Although I do like watching it after a long cycle. I got hung up on speed and trying to break record's and other people times. Possibly why I have the. Problem I have. Race against yourself. Take a small patch say half a mile and try and make that half mile a wee bit quicker each time. Also as some one else said miby your built for endurence and not short sprints. Plus also your alot quicker from when you 1st started.