When you have health issues and doing exercise... - Couch to 5K

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When you have health issues and doing exercise leaves you in pain and crippled! ☹️

FitternotFatter profile image
37 Replies

I'm unfit, and fat. And unhealthy. I have a degenerative back disorder and suffer with major mental health issues, so it's so very hard to do things, the depression and MH issues, stop me from doing so much, sometimes they trap me in the house, it's so hard when I'm in pain, I want to do this because if I can lose weight it might take pressure off my back and that will help the pain, praying I can do this and my knees and back hold out 🙏🙏

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FitternotFatter profile image
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37 Replies
Erddig profile image

Well done for taking the first positive step.

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Erddig

Thanks k you so much. 😊 I'm just going to be the tortoise, slow and steady, wins the race. 😁

Erddig profile image
ErddigGraduate in reply to FitternotFatter

This time last year I was morbidly obese and couldn’t walk to the end of the road. You can do it . Keep in touch as you progress.

Shelley2310 profile image

You’ve taken the right step. Have you checked with gp to make sure it’s ok for you to run. I had a compression fracture in my spine 15 years ago, I also suffer with mh issues. The fracture has left me also with degenerative spine. I’m classed as morbidly obese (working progress on that). Last August I gave up smoking, started healthy eating and got gp referral to the gym. In September I started c25k, unfortunately at the end of week one I pulled ligament in my knee (not totally related to running). Few weeks later I started it again. Last week I graduated. I can’t run 5K in 30 mins, BUT I can run 30 mins which is fine. The mantra here is slow and steady, ‘embrace your inner snail’. It might be an idea to do the ‘active 10’ first if you’re unable to walk too far. Also ‘headspace’ is mentioned on here a lot, I keep meaning to have a look at the app. You’ll find everyone on here very supportive, I’ve never found a friendlier social media forum (and I’m a social media addict). Hope I haven’t waffled on too long. Welcome and remember take you’re time, this isn’t a race and you can always repeat runs/weeks.

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Shelley2310

Thank you for your lovely message, that's so encouraging, no, I'm currently having terrible trouble walking so I'm hoping that just doing this slowly and steadily might help me shed some weight and help, even if I walk it and repeat it a few times, so thank you so much, I might check with my GP. I'm seeing my consultant Friday 😊 x

Shelley2310 profile image
Shelley2310Graduate in reply to FitternotFatter

No problem, I know exactly how you feel. I forgot to say I’m 53 and have lost 2st 7lb so far. I’m not trying to loose it quickly, it’s more likely to stay off.

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Shelley2310

Wow Shelley that is amazing, well done you, I'm so unbelievably like WOW!! CONGRATULATIONS! GO YOU! 🤗

Shelley2310 profile image
Shelley2310Graduate in reply to FitternotFatter

Just letting you know it can be done. You’re taken the first step to a healthier life. You can do it too. 😊

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Shelley2310

Thank you x

Sophia1712 profile image

Well done for deciding to give this a go and Shelley is an inspiration for you! Take it really really steady and slow. Also don’t look ahead at future weeks.

I love Jo Whiley as a voice coach as she’s a professional orator who’s also done C25k.

Keep posting your progress and we’ll be with you in spirit.

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Sophia1712

I've picked Jo whiley as my coach 😊 Thank you

Couchpotato2 profile image

Well done for joining! Do check with dr that you are ok to excercise. Before starting the runs you could start active 10 which is walking app or you could do the w1r1 as all walking and then doing it with one run, then 2 and so on, just to build up your strength. You will get there!

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Couchpotato2

Thank you, I feel like even if I spend half the time walking, if it helps me get a little fitter and lose a little weight it's a bonus.

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to FitternotFatter

There is also another helpful NHS forum called "Healthy Eating" healthunlocked.com/healthye...

Bazza1234 profile image

Watch Arthur's transformation. Might be of some help for you youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJ...

FitternotFatter profile image
FitternotFatter in reply to Bazza1234

Thank you, that's really encouraging! 🙏🙏😁

Jadamski profile image
Jadamski in reply to Bazza1234

What an amazing video. Such grit!

Mowgli6 profile image
Mowgli6Graduate in reply to Bazza1234

Thanks for sending Arthurs journey, made me cry but also gave me the motivation to carry on. I will keep it as a reminder 😀

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to Mowgli6

There is an "extended" version here youtube.com/watch?v=bIXOo8D... It doesn't have quite the emotional impact of the original but it gives a bit more info , especially in regard to Arthur's ability to walk and run. You see a bit more of Diamond Dallas Page and his Yoga. He is a retired professional wrestler who started a yoga centre called something like "NOT YOUR MOMMA'S YOGA"

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

C25K has helped many with varied health conditions to move towards a happier and healthier active life.

Enjoy your journey.

micey2 profile image

Good luck in your journey to a healthier happier you, it will happen

Beccym profile image

Why not start with walking for a couple of weeks? Moving more is always going to be a good thing.

Also remember the run element of c25k doesn't have to be fast

Barny_b profile image

Well done. You are trying and that in itself should help you feel better in yourself

Pgl10car profile image

Well done you for fighting the demons. It is so easy to think I am overweight and unfit so I can’t do anything. You have mad the first step and that is the hardest. In June last year I weighed 15st 3lb and was incredibly unfit. I had a health scare and decided I needed to do something about it. I started to eat healthy (cutting down on carbs and fat) and the weight started to come off very slowly. I then decided I needed to exercise so started walking each day. Two weeks in I did a Park Run which I walked all the way but was great fun ( I was terrified and felt like a duck out of water before setting off). Since then I have never missed a week at Park Run and joined a running group that specialise in C25k. 1 now weigh under 12st. I have never exercised in my life before and am only telling you in the hope of encouraging you. P.S. I will now pray for you and hope you keep managing to get out there. Good luck xx

WillsMum68 profile image

Well done on starting! You’ve done the hardest part. As other posters have said, slow and steady is the way to go. I am plodding, clumpy and inelegant, but last night managed 4 x 5 minute runs, on week three of my programme! (My course leader is not following the official C25K programme, btw). If I can do it, you can! Best of luck, keep us updated xxx

UnfitNoMore profile image

Welcome. This plan can help you change most of the issues, though obviously I don’t know about back conditions... have a look at core and knee strengthening work and check with your doctor that the exercises there are safe for you. Weight loss will probably need nutritional changes alongside this plan, which I’m sure you already know. Running does have a good track record with mental health issues, especially depression. So, let’s get you into the habit of exercising daily around this plan... once you’re hooked you’ll find it hard not to get up/out and do it.

All this is going to take is for you to put yourself on the start line for each run day. There’s no rush, it doesn’t have to be done in 9 weeks, it’s your journey, you can complete it, don’t be worried about having to repeat a run, you can do this!

Post here often... we got you and can cheer you along or help with issues. Enjoy your journey.

Tasha99 profile image

Good luck. This program massively helped my mental health. I hope it works out for you 👌🏽

Makka62a profile image

Well done for starting. Don’t let your body be a barrier as I think every body on here has to overcome some sort of ailment. Here’s mine - scoliosis of the spine, knee and shin held together with screws and plates and clinical obesity. The great thing is you started now the trick is to keep going no matter how slow you are just keep moving. Some days you won’t feel like it but often those can be the best days so try to find a a way. Good luck and keep us all posted - we are willing you along

Rosy230973 profile image

Hi. It’s wonderful that you have joined this forum. Everyone is so positive. Some years ago, when I had major pain from a fall and no specialist could helo me over a four year period, one person told me ‘treat exercise as therapy’. I looked at him as if he were mad. Exercise????

Then slowly slowly I began . For eighteen months I have done one to one Pilates, (it’s very gentle) which got rid of the pain, reshaped my body, got me off the pain killer and brought me to a new me. That has led to me starting the Couch to 5K programme I never would even run for a bus!

So my advice to you is to go REALLY SLOWLY with improving your fitness. Don’t push too hard, or you will fall backwards.

I’m rooting for you. I know you will succeed in attaining your dreams, because you have already put yourself on a great path. Just do it really slowly.

I’m following you!

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Well, everybody had said it already, so I'm just going to say, well done for getting here, do what you can and keep posting, we will be here rooting for you.

Agelesslass profile image

Well, FutternotFatter this post proves to me you’ve taken the first steps to a long road of recovery and a new start to a new you. It will be tough but take it in baby steps. You’ve always got support from all of us on this forum. I’m a retired mental health nurse who has suffered from anxiety and depression, so I know what it feels like to be in the black dog syndrome. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and look forward to hearing of your successes and achievements however small, it’s still positive.

bigbert profile image

I too have always been the slowest and after 9 months I do not think I have got any quicker - but it is doing something that is the step - we are not trying to be the next Mo Farrah!!! Also when I started after every run, no matter how far I had gone, I would go home and put ice blocks on my knees just to try and help avoid any damage if I could - so far so good and still shuffling the pavements at 65!!!! Go for it and good luck

tjoc123 profile image

Where are you, maybe a running, jogging buddy may help?

orcadia profile image

Well done for giving this a go! I started off with one voice as my coach then switched to Michael Johnson and am finding him more inspirational. So remember you can change the voice if you want if that helps if you're struggling. And go slowly. I honestly think I could walk the same distance that I cover in the mixture of walking and running, but I can *feel* the difference in my fitness, stamina and energy levels even though the distance I cover is pretty much the same. So don't push yourself too hard, anything is better than nothing. And listen to your body too - I'm sometimes finding that one run say followed by two rest days works for me; other weeks I can do alternate days. So make the programme work for you, and repeat runs if you need to before moving on, though I've amazed myself by moving on even when I've considered repeating a run/week - and I'm now at week 6! I did start last summer but stopped again then started again in December. Good luck!

orcadia profile image

Forgot to add - the running is *really* helping my mental health too. Some days my partner has to force me to get up and out but I've never yet regretted forcing myself (or being forced!) out - the run has always helped. I'm finding that running first thing in the morning is the best for me, but obviously that's not always possible.

101susie profile image

Well done for taking your first steps on your journey. Slow and steady wins the day, there are no fails on C25K, just practice runs.....you can do this, you will find your way and every time you try it’s a victory because you tried.

I too have had health issues, just going out and planning my route helped me get started, then when I started my walking was faster than my “run”

We are all here to cheer you on your journey 👏👏

Potbellylelly profile image

Well done , you have taken the first step , and you are on your way . It’s not a competition , just start very slow. Just getting out into the fresh air will make you feel better. I started about 10 days ago and have ended up having to have an operation , so now can’t even try again for at least 2-3 weeks . Will go back to the beginning . Lots and lots of love and best wishes for a better feeling you. Don’t look back, you have already been there. Onwards .

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