I hate running. That's why I'm doing it. - Couch to 5K

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I hate running. That's why I'm doing it.

22 Replies

I've been putting this off because I hate running. Two years ago I weighed over eighteen stones and I was on medication for diabetes and high blood pressure. Over the next year I lost five stones but I have since put nearly two back on. I've managed to come off all medication which is positive but I'm disgusted with myself for backsliding. Still, it is what it is and I'm determined to get back to my goal weight by Christmas. I can walk for hours and I regularly do an hour on the exercise bike and when I get off I'm dripping but I find running so hard. Working by the logic that if it's really hard then it will do me good I've got the app and I've done my first session today. I'm pleased it's out of the way because it was a mental hurdle as much as a physical one. I am not confident about this at all because 5k seems ridiculously far but I will stick with it and see how it goes. It does get better, doesn't it?

22 Replies
Dexy5 profile image

Welcome to the forum Poole4752. You have done the hardest thing in starting your first run. This is an amazing programme and many people in exactly the same situation as you have graduated. You will receive some important information from one of the mentors and you will find this forum is so supportive.

My advice is to take each run as it comes and take it slowly . It is not going to be easy and you may not enjoy the actual running to begin with. But you will love the feeling you get when you’ve finished each run.

You can do this

in reply to Dexy5

Thanks for the welcome and the encouragement.

Fishypieface profile image

Well done on your incredible weight loss. If you have the determination to do that, then you will easily get to the end of c25k. You may still hate running by the end of this prog - BUT you will also love it, be obsessed by it, be actively buying running accessories, shoes and clothing by choice (oh yes) and want to carry on. It digs its claws into you ever so gently over the weeks and by the end you have no choice but to submit because you feel..... different... a better, fitter, firmer, leaner, saner (ok that's might not a word but I'm going with the flow) version of you. It's important to know it's a battle of the mind, which wants to limit / put the mockers on what we can physically achieve. Keep sticking 2 fingers up to it and you'll do brilliantly.

Have a look at the FAQ pinned posts for help on what to expect too. Good luck! :)

P.s. we've all done it and didn't think we ever could, look forward to welcoming you into the club!

in reply to Fishypieface

Thanks, I appreciate it!

UnfitNoMore profile image

Hey there.

I hear you loud and clear... there’s some passion there... that’s great. I’ve been way overweight, read my profile, I get the self hate when some of what you lost goes back on... I’ve been there buddy. You’ve made progress since then, as you say it is what it is... line in the sand time. You’re not afraid of the exercise... that’s great, by the way I hate that spin bike, hat’s off to you for kicking it’s ass. Where there’s a puddle of sweat, there’s a heart right above it. Run one nearly killed me... I’m pleased you hated it to... I hope you gave it a lot of anger. 5k is a f’kin long way... ask an Olympic sprinter to run it and they’ll show some real fear. You know what though? That’s because it’s impossible for them... that’s right, Usain Bolt when he went 9.58 over 100m wouldn’t last 5k. You, on the other hand can... you’re in the right place to do that. It is achievable. It is even achievable in one season... 12/13 short weeks. Don’t expect it in 9 weeks... you will probably run for 30 minutes first. Get through this and we can run together and try to rip up 5k. For now, let’s make a difference to your life. You have a lot of willpower and, I believe, stubbornness... use it well. 26 runs separate you from beating the impossible. It is impossible right now... but in 23 runs you’ll be ready... 24, 25 and 26 you will do it.

Does it get better? Yes, you’ll really love what running does. Does it get easier? Kinda... as you grow so does the run that you face... it will remain challenging. Are you ready for that? I think you are.

Now, you beat the toughest run... mentally it’s such a b****h. Nothing to fear in the rest. It’s a very well designed programme... trust it. It’s a physically demanding programme... but it prepares you very well all the way through... relax. All that remains is the biggest factor... do you have the mental strength to push yourself through this? From what I’ve read, yes and then some... what do you think? It’s time to believe.

You can do this! Will you? Your call my friend.

in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thank you for those words, helps a lot.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to

No worries... just believe in yourself, follow the programme exactly as it says... and you’ll be just fine. If a run beats you down, get back up, dust yourself down and kick its ass the next time. The only way you can fail is if you fail to try... and I don’t believe you have quit in you... so you will run 5k.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Enjoy your journey.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

That was really useful, thank you!

Tiara1 profile image

I hadn’t run for over 20 years, and if I’m really honest I probably hadn’t run since I was in high school (10-14) and to put that in perspective I was always last to be picked in team games 😉 I read an article in the paper about how great the heart is and how much we abuse it but it rarely lets us down and how we should look after it more. Right I thought to myself, must give this c25k ago and show my heart I care ( crazy I know) but off I set early on May Bank holiday ( I figured there would be no one around) I cobbled together done shabby old leggings and a loose t shirt and dusted off some trainers I bought years ago when I last thought I’d give exercise a go, that first run nearly killed me! In my head I wasn’t as unfit as my body showed me, running for a few minutes - I didn’t think I’d ever get past it... I told no one I was doing it. - I’m not known for sticking at things so I thought I’d keep it to myself, off I went every other day, Micheal Johnson in my ears, by week 4 I was getting more confident, I started to tell a couple of people, they said it gets easier, week 5/6 is the turning point - I still had my doubts, week 6 it was getting easier, I was looking forward to going, Micheal Johnson was my new best friend, I actually bought some running clothes ! Then on W7R2 something happed and I couldn't run for about about 6 weeks. I started panicking that I would be back to square 1😢 I would be found out that I’m not a runner at all- I got some advice from here,- someone said I should give it a go from where I left off, my fitness wouldn’t have dropped that much. On went the earphones, Micheal was back. We trundled off and ....yes I did it, back to where I left it W7R3 done ! I guess I am a runner, and what I’m trying to say is, you can do it, you may not enjoy it - I’m not sure I can say I enjoy it, but the sense of achievement I feel at the end is fantastic, if you run every other day, In just 3 weeks you’ll be amazed at what you can do. Stick at it, it’s worth it. You don’t have to go quickly - I’m so slow it’s almost a walk but now when I’m out I see others like me, there’s a nod and a mutual respect, there seems to be a runners code of encouragement, and that’s what I love.....

in reply to Tiara1

Thanks, that’s really inspiring.

Tiara1 profile image
Tiara1 in reply to

You see the thing is, to me that’s just my story, your inspiring with you weight loss - that’s real drive and determination, especially when you gain some back on and start running to control it. I only started to look after my heart - truth be told I could do with losing a couple of stone of middle age spread so really YOUR the inspiration 😉

BossLadyTinaK profile image

Well done for starting! Running 🏃🏾‍♀️ was not my thing too and I am a big lady but I persevered and completed the whole

Program! It really works and now I am working on increasing my speed !#TheStruggleIsReal#!

in reply to BossLadyTinaK

Thanks BossLadyTinaK

Oldfloss profile image

You get stronger... it is as simple as that. It takes time yes, but with a slow and steady approach you will get there.

Follow the link sent to you by IannodaTruffe ..there is a great deal of tried and tested and very sound advice.

You clearly wish to do this, so, make sure you have the right shoes.. and socks. The shoes, next to you are your best asset! There is a section in the link that explains this.

Run 1, was possibly the most difficult... you've done it... time to move forward,

Link this with a healthy eating regime and you have a winning combination. Maybe take a peek at Michael Mosley's, ( TV's Trust me I'm a Doctor,) Eight Week Sugar free regime.. very useful, not faddy and great advice and recipes.

But, mainly...my advice would be to begin this by being a tad kinder to yourself. We are human beings, not automatons, we have times when we don't achieve what we wish ... life happens and can throw all sorts at us. But, with strength and determination we get through. You are here... no need to feel disgust with yourself.. feel pride that you have made this decision.

The Mantra is slow and steady... rest days, non negotiable, non impact exercise on those days will really help.. your walking, fantastic, your exercise bike, yes, but slow down.. take it more gently...enough to make the heart beat faster, but not exhaust you.

You will run here, but not alone.. we will run with you, s keep posting your progress, and remember..this is something to be enjoyed, not endured... :)

Relax and take in the views:) Welcome:)

in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks for that. I eat healthily these days; what was once a daily occurrence is now a rare treat! I go to Weight Watchers and I'm back on a losing streak. I've had a look at the FAQs - really good.

Bazza1234 profile image

There are a couple of big differences between your 1 hour on the cycle and your runs - firstly you can already do an hour on the cycle, but you cannot run one hour. As you progress through C25K - firstly running for only 1 minute at a time , then moving up and up until you are running 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes+, you are going to feel a sense of personal gratification, satisfaction and accomplishment maybe more than anything else you have ever done before. :) Running is more than just doing cardio and/or losing weight -- much much more, which you will discover. Besides , cycling hurts my bum!!!

in reply to Bazza1234

It hurts mine too!

Medusa2506 profile image

I’m 14 stone on meds I’m now on week 5 run 3 to do, few weeks ago I ran for 90 secs and thought no way can I do this but push yourself to the end and it does work, just done 2x 8 mins 👍🏼

in reply to Medusa2506

Thanks, will do!

HillsEverywhere profile image

That's an impressive weight loss ! Well done !

It does get better. When I started, it was because I needed to do some kind of exercise, whatever it was. I went for running because of the ease and simplicity of it (I knew that being able to just put on my trainers and leave my house would be a big help in persevering). I didn't like the thought of running and didn't enjoy the effort at first, so the first week was really tough. Then I began to like the "secondary" aspects of running outside : breathing fresh air, looking at the scenery and the sky, meeting the local wildlife... That's what kept me going for the past 4 weeks. Now I've just completed week 5 and, to my surprise, I realized during my last two runs that I was really enjoying the act of running itself – that fluid(ish) motion when I've found my happy pace, the wind in my face, that sense of (very, very relative) speed and freedom and empowerment.

The enjoyment did come – and what is great is that I'm enjoying myself while doing something good for my body and my overall health.

So yes, it will get better !

in reply to HillsEverywhere

I look forward to that happening!

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