Weekday running troubles: Just wanted to ask for... - Couch to 5K

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Weekday running troubles

Run1234Run profile image
38 Replies

Just wanted to ask for some advice- I have just completed week 1 (woohoo!) I am a teacher and struggling to run during the week as weekdays just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything done!?

Is it OK if I make my running days Friday, Saturday And Sunday? I'm just worried that it then leaves a massive gap from Sunday to the next time I run. Just wanted some advice. I know it's only half an hour but when you leave work at 7 sometimes it's difficult to fit it all in especially with it being dark! (I do not own a gym membership)

Thanks in advance

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Run1234Run profile image
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38 Replies

Well congratulations on completing week 1. Advice is to leave a day between runs. There must be a reason for that. Could you run before you start your working day? Or lunch break?

NannieMc profile image
NannieMc in reply to

The only way I was able to fit it in was before school, a bit of a chore as I was getting to work at 7:30. but after a while it got better and actually I felt better for it, more awake, chuffed that I had done it and relieved when I got home that it was done.

Shedtheflab profile image


I am just about to start (tomorrow) and work in Education too, was thinking the same thing but then thought I might try getting up a bit earlier and trying it then

steviej99 profile image

You are going to get plenty of replies advising if not telling you not to run on two consecutive days let alone three. Rest days are not negotiable, On rest days your muscles repair and get stronger. Failure to observe rest days will unfortunately almost always lead to fatigue and injury which will prevent you from running. You can get countless examples from this community. .............sorry

Run1234Run profile image
Run1234Run in reply to steviej99

That's what I thought... it's just so difficult to fit it in! I have so far left days in between I just didn't know if leaving it a few days after my last run and before starting the next was advised

UnfitNoMore profile image

Sadly not... there would be a huge increase in injury risk. One day, when you’ve been running maybe a year that could easily be your routine, but we need to build the running muscles before we can go back to back days on them, and it takes 6-12 months to get to 2 consecutive days. The lighter nights are coming, so hopefully that will make this easier to fit in.

On a side note, I’d love my kid at your school... her teachers are all long gone by 4:30 😂

Run1234Run profile image
Run1234Run in reply to UnfitNoMore

Very true about light days I think that's the problem at the minute! Going to just have to do it when I get back and go round the streets rather than in the forest etc.

Haha 4:30 is the dream!!

Thanks for the advice!

Pianism profile image
PianismGraduate in reply to Run1234Run

TBH, I'm bloomin' glad it's dark when I run lol!

Run1234Run profile image
Run1234Run in reply to Pianism

Ditto this!!

PavementPounder profile image
PavementPounder in reply to Pianism

that's why I always seem to start the C25K in the winter :)

PavementPounder profile image
PavementPounder in reply to UnfitNoMore

Tbf That's still an extra hour after school has finished. Presumably the teacher has a life / family too :) No teacher needs to - or should be - still be at school at 7pm x

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to PavementPounder

Is it? News to me... 4pm for some of the kids here. Not sure I liked the 9-5 school day proposals that seem to have gone away, as obviously teachers also have planning to do with a constantly changing curriculum and moving goal posts!

PavementPounder profile image
PavementPounder in reply to UnfitNoMore

I was talking about Primary which is 3.15/3.30 usually.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to PavementPounder

That’s a tough job... no free periods so planning in the evenings for kids at all levels, not belittling high school teachers but I think they have an easier deal! Having shared a house with a primary teacher way back I can remember that she was home early but still working late a lot.

PavementPounder profile image
PavementPounder in reply to UnfitNoMore

I think it's swings and roundabouts - at Primary all teachers get PPA time to reduce the workload. I wish I'd gone into secondary - but then you've got to deal with hormones. And they're so big!!! :)

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to PavementPounder

Is that like the “non contact time” half day a week thing?

I dunno if I could teach, but I certainly couldn’t teach teens 😂

PavementPounder profile image
PavementPounder in reply to UnfitNoMore

that's it. Half a day a week - not too bad. I gave up teaching years ago! Prefer dogs to children 😬

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to PavementPounder

Don’t we all? No refunds at the maternity unit though 😂

trogdelight profile image

I'm a teacher too. Finally finished working at 9.15 then went out to run. On Monday I went out at 8 as a reward for finishing some marking before finishing off when I got back. It's hard but you can do it. It actually gives you some more energy to complete the work.

Run1234Run profile image
Run1234Run in reply to trogdelight

I do agree I do have more energy to do more! Hopefully will get better when it starts to get lighter!

Chickens profile image

I’m a teacher too and leave for work at 7 so I get up at 5 to run. If I don’t do it then I don’t feel like it after a day at work. It is a really good way to start off the day and I feel very smug knowing that I have already run and done so much more than most people!

Good luck

Bexstone17 profile image

I work in a school too and run twice a week at lunchtime. It does me good to get out the building and away from work! I’ve just started week 6 and I’m finding this works me!

JacksonBrown profile image
JacksonBrown in reply to Bexstone17

Do you have showers? I am also a teacher, but we have no facility to get clean afterwards 😞

Purpleandpink profile image
PurpleandpinkGraduate in reply to JacksonBrown

You could maybe try baby wipes? That seems to work ok for a gentle sweat but I know don't be any good if you sweat a lot. 😂

Gem2844 profile image

Hi I know the feeling, I taught for the last 10 years, time is non existent! I have 2 young girls and I cant seem to get out through the week at the minute. If you could do friday and sunday you need a day between ideally or you will really struggle as your body needs time to recover. At the moment I am just doing once a week but I figure that when evenings are lighter I will add another couple. Dont beat yourself up about it. You can only do what you can do ..just enjoy it when you get out.

Risy profile image

Hi there! I am not an expert runner, currently doing week 3, but I believe a rest day between runs is very important. Finding time is always difficult but after the 2nd week I really got into it and make the time for it. Yesterday I went for a run at 21.00 just around the region I live at.. Went around the same circle 3 times... My recommendation is keep the rest days cause your body won't be able to run 3 consecutive days. You may get injured!

Anna1000 profile image

I began the c25k at the end of the summer term and through the break. I habe managed to keep park running and doing occassional run since. I teach so i get this. Good luck fitting it into your schedule! But if not postpone until evenings are longer. I am so happy i did complete this.

Choirmum profile image

I completely understand! I'm in the same boat, so the end of the Christmas holidays were great...lots of time to run. Congratulations on completing week 1. I leave at 6:30, so can't get in a morning run until sunrise gets a bit earlier, but make myself do it at 8:00pm when I get back...I know it's late and marking still to do etc, but I tell myself that's it's a finite 30 min, so I can be back and sorted by 9:15. Do try to leave the day in between, I think.

Linzi-Marie profile image

I found that I was having to do the same! If your not in any pain you should be fine!

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Linzi-Marie

Doing the same? Are you replying to the 3 consecutive runs bit?

That's not good advice, and is asking to be injured.

Linzi-Marie profile image

Also it’s gets easier the longer you run :)

StormyMonday profile image

I’m a teacher too. Still on week 1, 2 runs in. Been doing 2 runs first thing. The problem is getting enough time to eat and let that settle before hand. Any tips on what to eat? I’ve been having porridge and banana but then trying to wait at least 45 mins to avoid a stitch. Also I have been absolutely exhausted for the afternoon and evening if those days. Is this normal?

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to StormyMonday

You shouldn't need food prior to any of the runs, unless you have some specific medical issue.

Hydrate well the day before and you should be good to go on empty, I don't even have a drink, but many others do.

Purpleandpink profile image
PurpleandpinkGraduate in reply to StormyMonday

Try just the banana and a drink of water then you can head out straight away. I just have an apple (hate banana 🤢) but I couldn't go on nothing at all. I'd faint half way round 🤣🤣.

Jlonomore profile image

You really need a rest day in between your runs. Most of us have the same issue - I work full time and look after my elderly parents so I have ended up running at 9.30 pm sometimes of getting up an hour earlier in order to fit it in.

Amerynthe profile image

Congratulations on getting week 1 under your belt!

I won't reiterate the advice on here about not running consecutive days (don't do it!) but I do have some thoughts about evening/dark running, which I have to do, as at the moment I'm finishing work around 7.30pm and getting out for a run any time between 7.30 and 8pm. I'm very lucky that there is an outdoor sports centre within walking distance, which is well-lit and safe because they have various activities going on until about 9pm, so always people about. I run there. Is there a similar park near you where you could run safely? For my (dark) walk to and from the sports centre, I have a woolly hat with an in-built torch so that I can see (and be seen). I've found that running after a very long (and sometimes stressful) day helps to clear my head and when I get home again I do a few stretches and then I'm relaxed and have a light meal in front of the 9pm film. I'm not a morning person, although I'm sure there will be times when I need to go out first thing, but for the time being, evening running, even if it's late, suits me better.

Good luck with fitting everything in. I know it can be difficult, but you'll find a way!

Purpleandpink profile image

Would it be possible to run somewhere near school once the kids have gone home, then stay and do what you need to and then head home? Won't matter so much then if you're still in your running gear and a bit sweaty? Maybe a option until the lighter nights/longer days?

bizteach profile image

Im the same a teacher and the only way I find I can do it is at 6:30 am!! Long day I know but no energy after work so ... good luck and whatever you do has to be better than doing nothing

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