Reassurance....does c25k actually work? - Couch to 5K

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Reassurance....does c25k actually work?

Fitgirltobe profile image
24 Replies

I would like to hear from the pro runners who started off with zero running experience.

I use to go to the gym at 17, I'm now 32 with no fitness inbetween, not really over weight just unfit and took up c25k, I'm in absolute agony after my w1r2 yesterday and I'm just after reassurance I can do this from those that have done it. I've looked at the week nine week and thought not a chance I can run for 30 minutes straight when I'm struggling with 60 seconds.

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Fitgirltobe profile image
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24 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

What do you mean by pro runners?

Many have gone on to run marathons and ultras, having started with this programme. I don't actually know of any who have become elite runners..........but you might be the first........if that is what you want.

This training plan was devised in 1996 by Josh Clark to encourage his fifty something mother to be more active. Since then there have been many versions of C25k around the world and the number of graduates is countless thousands, if not millions.

Don't worry about W9, just concentrate on the week you are doing and follow the pacing advice in the guide to the plan, take rest days and stretch after evey is yours for the taking.

In W9, however long it takes you to get there, you will run for thirty may not hit a sub 30 minute 5k at that point, most don't but you will be well on the way.

If you are struggling, there is one simple answer........SLOW DOWN!!!!!

YOU CAN DO THIS!! Just like the 83 year old graduate a year or so ago.

Fitgirltobe profile image
Fitgirltobe in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thanks. I didn't mean pro as in making money from it pro to me means completing c25k at the moment 🤣 I took it really slow yesterday but I suffer with bursitis in my hips and have injections and then weak knees after dislocating them and arthritis I figured exercise will strengthen me up

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Fitgirltobe

If you browse this forum or search for graduation posts, you will see many mentioning that they were in the same situation as you at the start.

C25k works.

Any strengthening work you do on rest days, such as NHS Strength and Flex, will make you a better runner.

jayval70 profile image

I went from doing no exercise at all - ever - since being forced to at school nearly 40 years ago - to running continuously for 30 minutes 3 times a week. It works. Good luck - you can do it.

Oldfloss profile image

Yes.... yes... and YES.... we could not begin to count the folk on here who felt they may collapse or worse on those first runs..( me included) the ones who ran near hospitals or GP surgeries and knew the location of every defibrillator on their routes!!!

IannodaTruffe has said it all...slow and steady and move on with confidence!!!!

I started at 68..nearly 69 and about to do my first HM!

You can do this.... oh yes... you can!!

Fitgirltobe profile image
Fitgirltobe in reply to Oldfloss

Haha this really made me laugh....maybe i should carry a defib and a oxygen tank around with me 🤣

Wow 68 ... what's my excuse 😏 well done!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fitgirltobe

No excuse... get out there.. we will be right there beside you!!!

Lordi profile image

Yes it really does! No one has an easy ride starting to run from straight off the sofa and pretty much all runners who carry on to run longer distances after c25k agree that the first few runs are the hardest because you are out of condition and the mental barriers are huge. Take a peek at say a W9R1 forum user's comment history back when they were doing W1R2 to see just how everyone looks ahead with trepidation! Then you'll see just how most runners grow with the programme in both ability and confidence and smash it later on to graduate with flying colours. I personally got freaked out about the longer runs without a walk break that pop up in the middle of the programme. You will get through it and go on to actually enjoy running 5km like everyone else! Keep at it.

Fitgirltobe profile image
Fitgirltobe in reply to Lordi

I think alot of it is the mental barrier. My husband's really into cycling and when I started I couldn't do half a mile but can now do 10 miles, suppose the same can be said about running

Lordi profile image
LordiGraduate in reply to Fitgirltobe

I posted this a while ago too, which explains my own view that the early part of c25k is not easy but is worth it in the end.

ForestGrump63 profile image

I’m on 9:1 (accidentally repeated 8:3) I’m 55 and I’ve never done any exercise before (naturally slim and terrible coordination) always really bad at sport. I can’t say I found the runs easy and I still don’t but I do enjoy how I feel afterwards. I’m persevering and I’m almost there and I intend to carry on after completing. I’ve done 2 park runs and I’ve signed up for 2 5k races in spring and a 10K in summer. The programme works x

Buddy34 profile image

Hello like you I had no running experience at all and I struggled with the runs also like a lot of us do. Don't over think it don't worry about wk9 . Im finding it easier now well maybe not easier but I manage better thanks to c25k and all the people on here they have great advice and the good thing is we know what your talking about because we've been there I'm now on wk7. So believe it can be done good luck

UnfitNoMore profile image

I didn’t run from 16 to 46... I smoked a lot in those years, putting my last not out the night before run one. Not the best preparation, and run one was tougher than tough... but I completed the plan and was running 7k before I went walking and injured my ankle... on the comeback now and will hit 5k again this month. Yes, it works, better than I even thought possible, it works!

GoogleMe profile image

Ironically, if anything it tends to be those who are sporty already in other ways who seem to have more trouble with the programme once started. The non-running days are a key element of the programme (and I bet you are glad of them today)

The beauty of the presentation is that you just stick on the audio and go. You only need to worry about the run segment you're actually running at the time. And remember - running 'motion' at whatever pace you can sustain, not sprint.

Whatnog profile image

Hi Fitgirltobe! YES, you will be fit, C25K works!! Besides all the great testimonies above, you can do a quick test! Go to the Search here in the forum and type: If I can do it anyone can do it. It brought 400 posts as result for me. It must count for something, don’t you think?! 😜

Fabulous450 profile image

Ah I can understand the question Fitgirltobe! I’m not a pro runner, but I started C25k in May last year at 48 having never run long distance, not even at school, so you beat me there. Despite this being a 9 week programme, I had planned in my head that it would probably take me a year to complete hence the name Fabulous450!! Such was my running experience!! 😂🤷🏽‍♀️

But with support and cheering on good days and bad from the great bunch of runners at all stages of the programme, I completed it in the 9 weeks. Which unknowingly fell on my birthday! You get stronger in so many ways every time you go out there! And we all have so many doubts along the way too!! So you’re not alone in what you’re thinking we know how you feel and here to support you too!!

The best thing I ever did was listen to the advice about going slow!! Even when you think you’re slow, go slower! The snail symbol is very popular on here! 🐌🐌🐌 🥰. I used to think about trying to come last in a race to help with keeping it slow.

You will speed up naturally as time goes by, but to be honest, it doesn’t even matter if you do or not! You’ll be so happy because you’re running!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Well done for starting the programme! You’re in for so many celebrations!! Enjoy and have fun!! ❤️

Jell6 profile image

How many more of us do you want to hear from?🤣🤣🤣🤣

My first "run" damn near killed me!!

You can do this, the programme works.

Just take it nice and slow. 😊

Hannah_S36 profile image

I am NOT a pro runner, but completed c25k at the grand age of 37....and there are older more wiser graduates out there!!! I was about a stone heavier than I wanted to be, and had NO fitness. This plan REALLY does work. I have a big bust which put me off jogging, but got a decent sports bra, and 18months on I still love putting my trainers on and getting out.

If you’re in agony in week one, I would guess that you’re pushing yourself too hard. Steady and SLOW really is the mantra. It’s a jog not a run...and the most important thing is to keep moving, it doesn’t matter how slowly. If you push yourself you risk injury, and then starting back at the beginning. Follow the program, use the podcast (it really kept me focused) and don’t look too far ahead, or you’ll panic that you won’t be able to do it and the damn gremlins win!! The best advice I was given: A bad run is better than no run at all!!!! Keep at it, just slow your pace....x

Beachcomber66 profile image

And I started last May aged 66 never having run since my 30s and now run 10ks. Lost a couple of weeks through repeated calf strains, and a virus, but otherwise never had a problem. I got aches and pains, but you learn what is something you can run off/treat with ice or a foam roller and what indicates a need for a rest. Just go for it!! No age excuse anyway!!

Anniemurph profile image

'Pro' runner... nope! Someone who started C25K nearly 7 years ago, 5 stone overweight, hadn't exercised for years, asthmatic - yep! Since then I have made so many friends on here, run in different countries, been on running holidays, run a HM, bought a medal hanger, spent too much on Lycra, poo-ed in fields, had months of non-running due to injury, had weeks of non-running due to lack of mojo, lost weight, gained weight, sworn to do more core and strength work, done some core and strength work, laughed, sworn, cried, written about running, acted as pacer for someone in a race I wasn't even in, spent too much time on HU, spent too much money on shoes and Lycra, surprised GPs and nurses with low blood pressure, pulse and high lung capacity, run with friends, run on my own, run with strangers, been nearly beaten by a 3-year-old, got lost on runs, been turned back because of bears, slipped in the mud, choked trying to drink while running, learned to run up hills, and still never spotted the elusive Great Northern Diver on Carsington Water. Running is fab.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

🤣🤣🤣 they should have a warning on runners bottles... do not attempt to drink whilst running until you have learnt how!! It's such a learning curve! 👍😂😂😂

Oh and "don't run uphill until you know how to run down!!!" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yes to the downhill thing! No one ever mentions that! :O :D

Andyeliot profile image

Hi well I’m nearly 60 and hadn’t run since doing cross country in the 1970,s I am now looking to graduate by the end of the month all I can say if I can you can

JoP61 profile image

Hi there

I know exactly how you feel! Week 1 was really hard and I struggled through week 2 with shin splints - then took a week off to recover and thought I couldn't carry on. But I did, and this plan works, as long as you listen to your body and don't run when you're injured. I started the plan at age 61, having not run since I was at school. Couldn't believe I would be able to run for 30 minutes but it happened. Trust the programme!

You will be great. 😀💪🏃‍♀️

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