Ok... that’s a pastime that I’ve always enjoyed... so in a descent on a walk I made like 15 year old me and got a heck of a speed up... so, ankle went and down I went... huge pain but no broken bones. No snapped ligaments as far as the medics could tell, but I’m looking at a few weeks out of action. Happy running guys, I’ll be with you all in spirit... upper body workout time for me!
Scree surfing: Ok... that’s a pastime that I’ve... - Couch to 5K
Scree surfing

Oh no 😱, hope you heal quickly. But make sure you’re fully recovered before you run again.


Some people never grow up!
Great fun, but asking for trouble.
When I turned my ankle I took up cycling, on the advice of my physio mate. Once initial swelling had gone down, it keeps the joint mobile in one plane without any major loading issues.
Take care.
Maybe I just need to learn that while not growing up I am growing old!
My bike has an electric motor, but I think that will be even better for zero stress on it. Thanks for the advice as always.
Does this mean you will be buying lycra tights now? 😸
I think it’s compulsory if on a cycle 😂
But then according to my mate it also means shaving the legs and no shorts over the tights 😱😱😱😱
Your mate must know too many road bike speed junkies!
It's just to prevent loose clothing getting caught by the chain, pedals, wheels etc. No need to shave more areas than you do normally! 😸

Oh dear, i hope you wont be out of action too long.
Moving along the injury couch to make room for you x
Oh Lordy...do take care. You are an invaluable source of support to everyone here and we need you healed and back to full strength, asap.😘

Noooo ! On second thoughts, this was probably your cunning plan for getting out of the next few weeks of running in the dark, the sleet, the hail etc etc. We know you and your wicked ways ! Really sorry about it. Hope you’re back to normal soon x

UNM - no way!!! 👎👎👎

Oh man, hope you feel better soon!
Get better soon.

Bloody hell !!!
I hope you cope on the couch, I think you will.
As you have said to others, the runs will be there waiting for you .
Like Antonioa has done, I'm saying it now.
You are "now a middle aged idiot, not a teen!" What a way to nobble yourself.
Take care🤗

Ah no, that's not good! You were doing so well on your plan and inspiring others. I am sure you will soon have another plan in place, and in the meantime, I hope you aren't in too much pain and heal quickly.
I have found a fitness plan, some of which I will be able to do, and that’s a 4 week job... and hopefully within that I’ll be able to do the lower body work too... and it can have a run a week put into it when I’m able. So yeah, I do have a plan!!
Pain isn’t great but I’ll take painkillers once I’ve done for the morning.
Oh noooo I’m so sorry to hear that 😡. I hope you recover quickly and can get back out there soon. Cycling sounds like a good idea.

Oh no. Hope you get better soon. At least youll have more time to reply to our posts with your great advice. Hope you don't put on any weight what with Christmas and all. Keep smiling
Ouch 😖🤕!! Hope you get well very soon!!! It was great while it lasted, to judge by your description 🤣, but it is a pity that ended on the IC. But you have your upper body plan, so as the saying goes: this will not kill you, but make you stronger ( at least from your waist up) 💪💪💪💪!! Take care!!

Oh dear that’s rubbish 🙈. Ankle pain is miserable. Glad to see your taking it in good spirit though .....better to have run & lost & all that! Hope you’ll be back with us soon. In fact - don’t go away! You can laugh at us from the sidelines, running in the snow & ice & rain & hail .....
I was reading about positive thinking. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... the article pointed out lemons are not a bad thing, and life also gave you sugar, and there’s probably better things you can do with a lemon than make lemonade... so it’s not about turning the bad into good... it’s about finding the good in it in the first place. I could probably use the upper body workouts... maybe I’ll crack that sit-up!!!

Oh no, take care. Work that upper body!

Scree surfing - a moment of madness!
Wishing you a speedy recovery UNM. The only upside is that you'll have more spare time to impart your words of wisdom to us all 😊
Ouch! Hope you feel pain-free and get well soon UNM. Please keep posting on the forum though - I’m sure you’ll get something interesting out of this whole experience! Don’t want to miss you!

Oh no UNM, look after yourself and get better very soon (you wouldn’t really want to go out in this weather anyway..!) 🦆🤗
The rain isn’t quite as refreshing as it was in August!
True. At least it’s warmer rain today than it was yesterday...
No more November rain for me! Hoping to get soaked by a bit towards the end of December
Hope so UNM 🤞🤞🤞
Me too... I’m working on my 9 month running streak... need to get one in at least in December!
I’m thinking I should stop doing stupid crap and let my next injury be a running one 😂
Yeah, there might be lots of snow and ice to skid over in your running shoes once you’ve recovered 😂

Ouch! I won't run now where it's covered in leaves or did you just not see the little/medium/ ginormous (delete as appropriate) bugger?

Hope you get back to usual fitness soon. You've now made this app 5k to couch😁😁😁. Only kidding you'll be out running again before you know it
Oh just brilliant😂 that sounds so much like me a few years back when I decided I could still jump from the prom onto the beach. By god sand is hard! and my ankle nowhere need as strong as I thought. 6 weeks in plaster taught me a lesson. Hope you are up and about soon

Oh so sorry to hear of your injury. Hope
You heal sooner. Excited for you that you now got a plan. That’s what I call risilience.
Just for my sake would you be able to keep on posting your running imaginations🤣 as I am sure they will keep me going as your actual running did.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sorry to hear your news - take care of yourself and don't rush back!
I’m prepared for it being 6 weeks plus... hopefully less, but I’d rather be pessimistic to start!

Hope you have a good recovery and back to running soon.
You are a great encouragement to so many on here.

Scree should be banned for the over 30s, whatever their mental age!! Lol!! I hope you recover soon... or else the biceps and triceps will get HUGE!! But I’m sure you will use your finger muscles to encourage the runners on here and to pass on your tips and tricks!!

Ouch! Hope you won’t be laid up too long.
Hope you’ll still be cheerleading from the sidelines.
Oh bless you. The things we still think we can do when we reach a certain age😀. Rest easy and do you get out of Christmas shopping too???? That’s not a bad thing some would say. Am so impressed how you are always so positive. IC grumps are hard to bear so my family love to tell me. Mend well and take good care of that ankle.

Personally I think it's just a cover up for vegging out watching Netflix! (other TV shows /channels are available) 😎
This means you'll be keeping a beady eye on us all then! 👀
Seriously though.... Sorry to hear your news, and hope you make a speedy recovery 👍💪💐

I am so sorry! Get well soon!
Sorry to hear of your injury and hope you recover soon. I’m on a break this week as well as a niggling knee pain ended up being patellar tendinitis. Rest and icing prescribed.

Blimey... I missed this... so sorry.... ! I have huge problems remembering that I am as old as I am and do not bounce in the same way...... !!
Take it steady and work that upper body!!!

I missed your unfortunate news and am sorry to hear it. Hope you manage to do some sort of activity/training to tide you over till you're back to running.

Just seen this. What a shame but indeed a lesson learned. I can very much recommend seated workouts and seated yoga. Keep positive and it will soon be over...just in time for the worst of the winter weather! 🤞👍😁😉

Oh man! I Can't believe you went down but happy you had fun doing it. Sorry to hear you will be out of the game for a while. Here's hoping to a speedy recovery for you my friend. I can't wait to again read your quip posts on your running progress.
Ouch!! Hope you are ok? Wishing you a very speedy recovery.
Getting better slowly, thanks.
Good to hear. At least you were doing something fun and adventurous, my hubby managed to get an ankle injury just walking at work. Hope you are up and running soon ☺