50 and new to running, took 3 wks before I could do 8x60s! Completed Wk1 and last night was my 1st Wk2 run only managed 2x90s and 2x60 (5mins) so ran for less time than Wk1 (8mins) Do I go back to 8x60 until its less of a struggle or do I keep trying to do the 6x90
Week 2 struggle: 50 and new to running, took... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 struggle

Carry on I would say. The 90 will feel like a struggle until you are doing 3 or 5 minutes, then the 90 secs is so easy. Keep pushing forward, things worth doing aren’t always easy. I was 53 when I started last January, the minute felt like a week, but I now run regularly 3-5k

I think the rule of thumb is that if you complete the week always move to the next week. You should just keep trying with week 2. If you are struggling the likely thing is that you are trying to run too fast, this has always been my mistake when I’ve struggled with the runs. Remember to look at the pinned advice which is a great help.
Thanks, I've not really been thinking about my pace I just thought that not sprinting (as if!!) was slow enough. I'll try it again but at a slower pace.
Yes you definitely have to think about the pace especially in the early weeks, when I jog along it’s almost at walking pace, but if you read the forum that’s totally acceptable and is going to get you through the programme.
If 'sprinting' was your reference for going too fast, then you're going waaaay too fast!
Sounds like you're 'running' .
Just posted this elsewhere:
....D O W N
The word 'Run' means different things to different people - but to many, it conjures up images of speed. Forget the word 'run' for the moment and cement the word 'JOG' in your mind. The non-walking bits of C25K should be a 'jog' - nice, slow, steady, barely faster or even a bit slower, than a brisk walk, with your breathing nice and comfortable. You're aiming for what's called a "conversational pace" - a pace at which you can comfortably hold a conversation at.
Trust me, I've led enough C25K beginners groups to see that even the most unfit people can finish Week 1 runs in decent shape provided they've gone slow enough. Only the morbidly obese (who should see a GP and lose weight 1st) find it a real struggle.
For the rest of program... try to aim to finish each session feeling as if you could carry on. If you finish severely out of breath, completely knackered, that's your sign that you need to slow down.
Good luck!
Yes each time Ive finished I've been exhausted and could not have run another step. As I said I've got 2 speeds, sprinting and not sprinting, will seriously have to discover a slower pace.
Your 'not sprinting' pace *has* to be slower - you'll injure yourself otherwise - you're especially at risk as a new runner. Trust me, I've been there.
Have a look at this: youtube.com/watch?v=kQ5wQ5N...
If if doesnt embed/play properly, search YouTube for "Quick steps: running shuffle" - only 2 mins long but very useful.
Thanks that was useful. I think my issue maybe that in my teens (many many years ago) and I used to run the 100m and 200m competatively (13.2 PB) so only ever trained to run And even back then I struggled with running distances.
If you can master the discipline of actually jogging (think back to warming up for your sprint session) and staying at that pace, you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you can achieve. Stick with it
Good luck]
PS Keep us updated with how you get on.
PPS Remember... conversation pace

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
It explains the recommended easy conversational pace at which new runners should tackle C25K. This might seem slow, but it will build stamina and strength and endurance, enabling you to complete each workout........ speed comes later.
Enjoy your journey.

Carry on, slow down, and you’ll be there. In general only repeat the run you don’t beat.
Hi - I’m 51 and on the same WK and run as you. I think I’ve been trying to ‘run’ too fast as well. I’m having a day off today and going to do WK2R3 tomorrow. Following all the great advice on your thread I’m now planning to slow the JOG right down. I’ll let you know how I go. Good luck, we can do this 👍🏻
Thanks to everyone for your advise, slowed right down and this time I managed to complete W2R1. Slow and steady won the race!!!