Essentially, which to go for? Bumpy, trigger-point type or smooth? Thanks in advance for any advice/experience 👍
Foam roller advice: Essentially, which to go for... - Couch to 5K
Foam roller advice

Update: I’ve found a well-priced 2 in 1 roller on Amazon so bought it as I will then have both types. I’d still appreciate thoughts on your preferences and experiences in using them, though 👍👍

Hi Molly, up until now I have used my daughters smooth one which seamed to work well. A muscle at the back of my RH thigh tends to “knot” a bit, so that is what I use it for. Before travelling to Sweden for a couple of weeks I bought a spiky one, because it was much more compact and lighter in weight so that I could bring it with me. I have used it twice now and it definitely works deeper which is better on my “muscle knots”. Conclusion: it really depends on what you need it for and how deeply you need it to work.
Disclaimer: Totally unscientific and only based on my personal experience and impression.
I have a knobbly one I got from Aldi a while back... torture, but works a treat I haven’t needed to use it so much since my physio gave me some proper targeted stretches to do, but I may well use it later, as I want to be fit for a short run tomorrow morning.

All! They’re good torture devices, so you’ll need as many as possible 😂
They do get great results though.

I've got all of them but I rarely use the smooth one now because I've graduated to the knobbly one! The smooth ones are gentler and good to start off with until you get the knack of the technique. There is a right way and wrong way of using them so check out some YouTube videos.
The knobbly ones are firmer. The handheld ones are great for calves and inside thighs and don't forget tennis balls for glutes and the back 😩😩