I’ve just started doing couch to 5k, my back really hurts when I run, is this normal?
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Couch to 5k

Hi GreatGig,
When you say it hurts, what hurts?
I missed the bit about the back...obviously was still half asleep. it depends on the back pain, is it aching, or sharp? is it upper or lower? is it confined or radiating? is it muscular or does it feel like something sinister? I would expect your lower back to ache a bit if you are new to exercise, you are using motions and muscles you haven't been using previously and you are going to feel them in new 'exciting' ways along the journey. if you have concerns it's always better to get checked, rather safe than sorry.
It's lower back and only when I'm actually running, it doesn't feel sinister, but just not sure if it's normal, I'm in my 60s and have never run before, I'm only used to power walking. So maybe it's just getting older and my bodies not used to it? Does running help your core?
I would say that's pretty normal then. I still get a bit back twingy running in week 6. but it is a lot less than in the beginning, so there is hope
but if it really is affecting you definitely get it checked in the long run.
Not sure if running works the core it certainly seems to work everything else- I would suggest something like pilates if you want to improve your core stability and muscles.
well done on getting out there you may be holding yourself a bit stiff with the effort try and relax practice concentrating on first relaxing your toes then your knees and hips and so on up through your spine to the top of your head good luck x