First time failure: Having been unable to... - Couch to 5K

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First time failure

Steveta_uk profile image
15 Replies

Having been unable to complete even the first 60 second run on day one, I find the encouragement messages very depressing. Am I alone in this?

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Steveta_uk profile image
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15 Replies
Kellan38 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear that this happened to you, Stevetta. What was the real problem with your run, and are you still at landing to try to carry on?

I’ll help you as much as I can for as long as you need me. Where shall we start?

Steveta_uk profile image
Steveta_uk in reply to Kellan38

Pain everywhere! Well, specifically, ankles, calves, knees, hip joints mainly, and breathing getting tight. I'll have another go next week, but the endless cheery messages from the app, which I know are meant to help, make me feel like I've failed ;(

I am using general-purpose Nike trainers - would running shoes make any real difference to a beginner?

shelford profile image
shelford in reply to Steveta_uk

You only fail when you give up. Rest up and try again walk if necessary until you feel comfortable no point in being miserable and in pain. You will be more miserable with yourself for not giving it a go. If it takes a while no problem

Kellan38 profile image
Kellan38Graduate in reply to Steveta_uk

Hello Stevetta

I’m certainly not an expert, but I’d say shoes are vitally important as you need a good cushion of support for your feet to stop the impact striking up into your lower legs. That problem alone might explain a few of the symptoms you’ve mentioned.

Secondly, are you trying to run too fast? I think this is a common problem, and it’s good to set a slower pace at the start - even if that’s not not much quicker than walking - and taking it on from there. The key thing to remember is that this isn’t a race, and that the nature of a ‘programme’ is that it’s a gradual progression that might have a lot of hiccups at the start and the odd problem along the way.

As regards the breathing, again, are you trying too hard to breathe? The day that I came to understand that my body is entirely capable of taking care of breathing for me if I just ‘get out of the way’ was the day a lot of things cane easier for me . It’s a little bit like driving a car in that we do the steering and decide where it is we’re going, but it’s the engine that provides the power, and we just need to understand the capability of what we have under the bonnet. And the very good news is that unlike the finest and most expensive car that you can think of, the ‘horespower’ of this engine (ie us) improves on a day t9 day basis if we can just apply the time to let it do so!

UnfitNoMore profile image

Ok. Welcome to the forum.

The hardest run is that first one... I really did think I was gonna die!

Failure is what we did before week 1... failure is sitting on the couch doing nothing... trying is never failure... trying is the path to victory. In life as well as running we come across things that are impossible. At that point winners work and failures walk away. So, that run was impossible today... let’s work! You’re here rather than uninstalling the app and forgetting about it... that’s step one done.

My mistake into run one was going too fast! We are not runners at this stage... so why should we be able to run it? I couldn’t... I had to slow right down, barely above my brisk walking speed... then it became possible.

Running shoes do help with the pains... as do running on soft surfaces, landing your foot flat and under your body, and going slowly to put less impact into each footfall.

Hydration is key too... sip water all day every day... and never run on a full stomach, go at least two hours after a meal, with maybe a banana in the hour before you run.

Now, if you get all the above right, I bet that you can do at least that first 60 seconds, almost certainly 5 or 6 of them and maybe all 8. That would be progress to build on... and that would make you see that with work you can do this.

Running will beat you down sometimes, a run can beat you up, you can unlace the shoes with a defeat... but you can never be defeated or beaten in the long term... keep trying and you will succeed. You can do this plan with a little work, a little determination and a little thinking and planning.

Your trainers should be good enough for you to do week one... let’s do it.

Oh... and very well done getting out there and having a go... that’s the most important running step you will ever take.

jiggles7 profile image

Ahh steveta, that first run was the actual worst. It was horrific, I spent twenty solid minutes afterwards retching and vomiting and I really couldn't do it. Everything hurt for me after too. So no you are not alone in that.

60 seconds of running is A LOT for someone who hasn't run before.

Maybe in your next run, just try to run for 30 of the 60, or even 20 and build it up in 10 second stages until you can do the full minute. Just try to run at every interval...or if you can't, like I couldn't then increase the number of intervals you do complete in the next run.

I can't stress this enough, you have not failed. You have actually succeeded in running - granted not for long but you have done it so you have achieved something. You will achieve more next time. I suggest practicing your insults and swear words to hurl at the little voice in your earphones.

Regarding pain, yes running shoes would help - specifically ones from a running shop where they will do a gait analysis (they watch the way your feet fall when you run and what movement happens in your joints). I was really struggling with knee pain (I would hit the roof if anyone touched them). This was caused by my feet kinda collapsing at the arch when I run and making my knees turn in; Protonation is a word you'll hear a lot around here. That said they are not inexpensive so the decision you would need to make is how committed you are to this running lark before buying them. Icing your sore bits for 15 mins post run and 15 mins again before bed may help you in the interim.

Pattypoos profile image

I had to stop in the middle of Week 2 because my ankles were so painful I couldn't even walk properly. I then got a nasty virus that laid me out for the best part of 2 weeks. I started again at W2R1 and am now just about to start W6. Everyone advises to go slow - it's not a race- and it works. But if bits hurt then listen to your body... hope you manage to get going again

Tartancat profile image

Not everyone here completes the first run first time (or second time, or third time, or fourth ...need I go on?). There's no shame in that - it's hard. But plenty of good advice above. Keep trying and you CAN do this 😊

Oldfloss profile image

Please.. do check this post will answer many, many questions.

Your shoes and you are your best assets.. and there is information on the linked post out which explains all this. How to run the plan, eating, shoes, and all about injury or aches and pains:)

You have just begun... so.. be kind to yourself.. give it time....

You started this for a reason... that has not changed?

Remember why you started this.. do not give up at this first hurdle.. there is a way:)

Replies to post will always be encouraging and supportive...embrace them..use them to carry you forward...:)

jessm_01 profile image

My run was awful and I will admit I restarted week one a few times, I could never get past my second run. Be it illness or whatever.

Give it another go taking it slow and just enjoy it. You don’t necessarily have to do the 60 seconds.

No such thing as failure because you went out there.

Jogunlikely profile image

Would you rather we slap you around a bit and shout buck up & get on with it?

If you continue on this journey, which I'm sure you will as you're still here 😉, then you will come to cherish the forum folk and there supportive messages.

It's a great place to share your bad days and your triumphs, not always focused on running. Some one here will be able to relate to what you have been through and everyone else will offer an appropriate message of support.

Embrace the forum and your inner snail 🐌🐌🐌

Believe in the program and believe in yourself.

Good luck x

ButtercupKid profile image

1:1 is your baseline run: it lets you know exactly how fit or otherwise you are, and lets you think about what you want out of the programme and how to get there. In my case it showed me that I would have to slow down and be prepared for endless repeating. I’m on my fifth go at week 1 just now. If you want to get fit, just go at a reasonably comfortable pace and repeat as you need to build up your stamina. If you want to dash headlong for a target but are having a lot of pain running, I’d try a different sport - maybe swimming ? As to shoes, at my pace I’m fine in reasonable trainers ! A slower pace and running on softer surfaces, not tarmac or paving, helped me. All the best with it x

paul1960 profile image

dont give up please you can do it honest it gets better and you will start to enjoy it slow and steady and trust the program it works good luck

musicalpolarbear profile image

Sorry to hear you’re feeling discouraged, you’ve made a huge effort deciding to do this and getting out there and you should be feeling proud of yourself for what you have done so far. For all of us, whatever stage we are at, running is a work in progress. There is always the chance to do better next time whether that’s a few second longer or trying for 10k (I’m at the few seconds end of the spectrum!).

Take the sound advice offered by the wise people on here, I’ve found it invaluable. There is a lot of experience here and the advice is from people who have been where you are.

Be kind to yourself, and I hope you find your next run less demoralising.

Hokitika profile image

Love your honesty, thank you for sharing. Lots of support from community & best of all no judgment or put downs. All genuine, and on same journey as you. All started on couch (where I'm writing this!); I start week 4 tomorrow & am amazed that I have got this far. Have at least one day off, you may wish to change the voice (I have) & I find it helps me to have 80s pop on th playlist. Whatever you decide, good luck.

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