First post I've written on here but just wanted to say thankyou to everyone who has previously posted on this forum about this particular run. I went out this evening, to do this run, feeling a little apprehension but generally okay with the idea. Well, what a hellish run it was. I felt that it was all such a struggle and I was so close to calling it a day at times, although I didn't. Came home feeling so depressed that I'd found it such a struggle, especially after the 20 minute run that I did 2 days ago which left me feeling on cloud 9. Came straight onto this forum in an attempt to gain much needed inspiration and motivation and found exactly what I needed. The fact that so many people admit to having struggled with this one makes me feel 'united' with my fellow c25k runners and has helped me to deal with the anti climax that this run has inflicted upon me. I just hope I can find my determined spirit again on Thursday for wk6 run 2.
Week 6 Run 1....hellish.: First post I've... - Couch to 5K
Week 6 Run 1....hellish.

Be proud ! It was vile and you did it anyway. That’s real bravery. You’ve earned this: 🥇 Hope the next run is more fun x
Thankyou for your kindness. I'm finding it easier to be more positive now that I've read so many posts on here about the infamous wk6.

Another one through the infamous W6R1... great job, let some pride into your head, kick some of that depressed feeling out. You just beat a run that many have taken repeats to do... very very well done.
And welcome to the forum

You're doing great. You're on a journey that doesn't finish when you graduate so each step is just that. Some are harder but each one is making you fitter and stronger and equipping you to go further. Be proud of how far you've come and look forward to the next step on your fantastic journey.

The main thing is, you completed that pesky run. So very well done! 👍 R2 is similar (not quite so bad if I recall), then it’s lovely uninterrupted runs all the way to the podium!
You’ve got this! We’re here to cheer you on, so go out and smash the programme! 💪👍😀
Good for you! It's ok to struggle but you should be SO proud you stuck it through!! That's what it's all about. And that is victory.
Now. I don't want to scare you but you might find r2 a struggle too. I know i did!! that was my biggest low and the first time i thought i might not complete the course!
Like you i read other people's posts and realized it's part of it and it's ok!
Run3 which is continuous running was soooooo much better. And everything that follows! You will see!
So go out on r2, do your best. Don't feel disappointed if it's hard or if you stop to catch your breath for a bit. Try and put it behind you.
Good luck and happy running!!

Well done! I remember feeling exactly the same about Wk6 Run 1, but Run 2 was definitely better. You've pushed on through so now you know you CAN do it! I'm on Wk 8 now and still finding some runs trickier than others. Keep the faith!