I've been following the couch to 5k programme and have up till now been progressing well,howeverI can not get past running for 20 mins ! Not sure if it's physical or mental ,ive tried changing routes and times of days i run but i get to 2o mins and feel completely drained. Is this normal?
Motivation : I've been following the couch to 5k... - Couch to 5K

It’s almost certainly mental. I assume you’re on a 25 minute run. There’s a guided run on the Nike Run Club app at that length in the running with headspace series. The app is compatible with the C25K app and the run gets great reviews. Maybe that could unlock this mental block? It’s a run with Nike’s global head coach and Headspace’s founder and former Buddhist monk.
Thankyou will have a look at the app ,I'm getting quiet frustrated with myself which probably isn't helping .was wondering if trying a park run with others might help ,even if i walk part of it.
It could help... just don’t try to keep up with anyone faster! You’ll get a lot of encouragement... before starting this I walked a parkrun and the “well done” and “good job” comments are still in my head. I marshal now, can’t wait to run it.
I used headspace a lot and they got me trough quitting smoking amongst other stresses... I’m almost ready to do the run I suggested above. If you try it, start your C25K app as normal, then open Nike and start the run on there just as you’re on 3 or the 3,2,1 go bit and the guys will talk you through a relaxing run.

Are you eating before you go out? I started out not eating anything and then as my running time increased, like you, I felt drained and very tired for the rest of the day - thought I was just too old! Now I eat a banana about an hour before I go - seems to have done the trick.

Hi I can't offer any advise as I haven't reached that point yet but just wanted to wish you luck x
I'm sure you'll crack very soon 👍

Have you tried slowing right down. I've just completed wk 6 and started of pretty slowly then sped up for the last ten minutes.
Keep going you will get there.

I think we all think we are slow but I definitely found if I ran (jog really) slowly for the fist half of a run I can push myself for the 2nd half as I am on count down to the end.