Hi just downloaded couch to 5k not run for a while and was t that good. So hoping this helps me to go further than I did. Any advise would be great. 1st run and Healthy eating starts tomorrow too xxx
Motivation : Hi just downloaded couch to 5k not... - Couch to 5K

Go for it! I love this app. If I had tried doing it on my own, I am pretty sure I would have given up. I’ve never run, never done exercise. I’m at week 5 now. It’s not easy for me at all, but I’m doing it!
Thank you. can’t wait to start I kept saying I was doing it then I changed my mind and didn’t bother so hopefully the app will keep me going too xxx
Keep reading the posts on here too. We all seem to be in the same boat. Finding it tough but achieving more than we ever thought we would. I can honestly say that for me it doesn’t seem to get easier, but I always manage more than the week before. So I look at it as steady progress.x

Just think... to succeed you have to try, and if you try you cannot fail. Go to the start line, relax, don’t go fast, slow it a little, and just go until the end. You can do this.

Check out the pinned post entitled FAQ. A lot of information on the programme, hydration, running etc.
Hope you enjoy the programme. Best wishes for a successful running journey.

Welcome and well done for getting started!
If you used to run before, you may be able to recall memories of the positive feeling of wellbeing you may have experienced in the past.
One thing I have recently started to do is, each time Laura the wonderful coach says 'you can do it', I repeat that loud to myself 'I can do it, I can definitely do it' (ok, I run mostly in woodlands with just wildlife around me and the odd dog walker).
Some days feel harder than others as there are many variables in our lifes that will affect how we feel in body and mind, but overall things are getting easier - in body and in mind!
So, just keep it up!!
To be honest some days were ok and some I hated running. But I did feel good afterwards. I am ready this time and looking forward running.(today anyway lol)
Thank you Xx

Welcome to the forum.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Enjoy your journey.