Hello it’s been a while since I posted. I graduated about 2 months ago now and I’m starting to lose motivation.
Today was my first run in 2 weeks due to a list of excuses but it was my best run and fastest so far. Although not as long as I would normally do. This surprised me as I’m not 100% well either and was prepared for a bad run.
Iv tried different times of day new routes and still I’m not enjoying it as much as I was it’s becoming a chore which is not what I want. The cold weather and dark nights have been a lot to do with it. Iv not even been to the gym all month so I’m trying not to give myself a hard time about it and just keep going.
The weather is getting milder and the day light longer so I’m hoping I will feel good again soon.
Any other graduates get this loss of motivation once the novelty wore off?