So that's my 2nd run of week 1 done - my calf muscles really hurt and had to push through it even at a snails pace - am hoping run 3 on Wednesday will feel better!! But my head is clear and am feeling chuffed!!!
Oooh sore calf muscles!!! : So that's my 2nd run... - Couch to 5K
Oooh sore calf muscles!!!

You did it again... great job.
Have you seen the post run stretches in the pinned posts? They’ll help with all muscles and tendons. Also stay lose and exercise the legs tomorrow, just don’t run on them... running on your hands is allowed 😂
You’re on this programme, keep on going just as you are.

Well done.
Make sure you stretch after every run

Hi there! Did mine this morning after spending about half an hour trying to find reasons why not to go out.... In the end I just forced myself out the door and went for it. It was tough but I actually felt on a bit of a high after I'd finished! I think mornings may be easier for me than evenings when it's even harder find a reason to go out after work, at least to do any exercise. Well done you for going for it though! Keep it up! Sx

Keep going it doesn't get any easier but when you see the results it's totally worth it