So for about 10 years I’ve been thinking I need to do this. Overweight by about 6 stone, and warned by GP I’m pre-diabetic...I’ve finally done it. App downloaded, children changed into some running gear and off we go. The 4 of us, anxiously set off into the village for Week1Run1. AND...what Can I say? Absolutely loved it. Really enjoyed it, smiled to myself in the shower afterwards thinking I need to keep this up, not only does it feel good to have those ‘good aches’, it feels great mentally too. Roll on Wednesday for W1R2. I’ll keep you posted! Lol. Regards Firstrunner
W1R1. It’s started: So for about 10 years I’ve... - Couch to 5K
W1R1. It’s started

Welcome to you and the family... great job guys. 10 years?? I thought I was good at procrastination! You’re here now though, that’s the main thing. You can all do this. Go as slow as you need to to complete each run.

Excellent. Well done. Know exactly how you feel. I smile like that after every run

🍾🍾👏👏👏🤗🤗🤗 well done all of you! Keep enjoying it - that’s the most important thing 👍👍

Absolutely amazing, so fab to be doing it as a family too. Im on the first run of week 2, just back in now. I feel fab. My 23 year old is doing it too but she lives a 100 miles away but we are spuring each other along. Will look forward to reading your progression.
Thanks for encouragement guys! 3 hours post run, starting to feel a little stiff, what stretches Can I do immediate after run and through the day off to help?

Well done you’ve made a great start! Welcome. Not so good at the stretches myself, but I’m pretty sure that IannodaTruffe has pinned posts with FAQs on them. 🏃♀️

Well done all of you, you can do this!! I also have about 6 stone to lose and I graduated a fortnight ago, im still running and enjoying it. Go for it!!👍
Brilliant well done 🎉🎉
Brilliant! Well done and so good to do it with the family too, you're getting them fit and loving exercise. Everyone's a winner x

Hey and welcome to our lovely running family here to your running family there 👍👪
You've made the first positive steps to a healthier you for you and your family. The running, combined with healthy eating, will soon put a stop to the onset of diabetes. I'm type 2 and my levels have raised slightly of late, due to going off track with my running and eating slightly too many carbs, but I've refined that over the past month, started running more often and my weight is slowly dropping and blood glucose levels returning to very much lower, nearly within the normal range than they were before.
Like all things in life, we have to work at it. Once you get into a routine and find that you enjoy it, running will be so positive for your mental health and physical health, you should find it hard not to go out.
Good for you lovely and your family. Good luck and keep us posted x 👍

hi mate i will do it with you if you want i started w1r1 yesterday felt very easy had a bypass 9years ago been to gym for last 12 months and lost 3st 11lb feel realy good now but never run in my life so lets do mate yes bring on w1r2 wensday yeh
So, today is post W1R1 and loving the achy bits, knowing I’ve done some good! I feel about 3 stone lighter already, can’t see it yet though!!! Lol. (That was a joke incase anyone doesn’t pick up on that!!). Couldn’t bear the thought of doing NOTHING this eve so I gathered up the 3 girls, met my aunt (aged 64) at the top of the road, and did a nice 45 minute brisk walk around the village. (not too fast as didn’t want to spoil Wednesdays W1R2 tomorrow) Love the fact I’ve got Aunt out, she is already excited about Thursdays ‘day off C25K walk’.
See you all tomorrow!
Just about to start W1R2, wish me luck! Lol