So I've been getting along just nicely, managing every run that Laura sets me...until today!! W6R3...had to stop twice and even then didn't quite get to 25 mins 😱 yet a week ago I managed a 20 min run and felt I could go on for longer. Okay so i didn't find runs 1 and 2 of this week easy either but I got through them. Have I reached my limit or is it normal to have a disaster run?? So disappointed as I started to believe 5k was achievable. Anyone else had this issue? I have had a stressful few days and haven't been sleeping well but surely that wouldn't do it? Also ran in the afternoon rather than first thing on an empty stomach...does that affect things? Any advice welcome 🙄
What's happened?? ☹: So I've been getting along... - Couch to 5K
What's happened?? ☹

We all get bad runs, I promise! I graduated 3 years ago but I still remember Week 6 was the hardest for me! I hated the return to tun/walk after the 20 min run and then I think I got a touch of the gremlins! Have faith in the programme and believe you can do this - because you can! Also, all those things you mention can make a difference - stress, lack of sleep and certainly running at a different time of day. Have a days rest and pick up where you were....and most of all, good luck!🙂

Yes loss of sleep could indeed be a factor. So could stress because the challenge by week 6 is at least as much mental as physical.
Bad runs happen now and again. Sometimes the reason is obvious with hindsight, and sometimes it’s not. Runs 1 and 2 of week 6 are common ones to struggle with RBH.
It sounds like a few days’ proper rest would do you a power of good. Consider taking two or three rest days instead of one. Then just pick up fromW6R3 again.

Take your next run a little slower maybe? It helped me move on to the longer distances. Still not fast now! 🐢

Well all have good days and bad. It’s just one of those things. Stress, lack of sleep, change in diet (assuming your stomach wasn’t empty) and even changing time of day will affect you either mentally or physically and make a run harder. Don’t get downhearted, I bet every graduate on here still has those days when it’s not all there and ready. You can do this, you got to week 7, just mark it up as a practice run and come back to kick this ones butt.
We all have them 😟😀 and has been said all the things you mention can have an effect as can not being properly hydrated all the time - running at a different time of day could have affected your hydration.
I usually run fasted first thing in the morning but yesterday I did a run in the afternoon, for the first time in ages, well after eating a light lunch and I thought I was going to die! As an aside I graduated nearly 6 years ago - so it happens to us all. Definitely no need to get despondent. I bet the next one will be one of your best runs and you’ll be on a high.

What everyone else said...and look on the bright side, you got in an extra practice run to really set you up for the 25 mins 😊
You know you can do 20 mins and still have energy left, and the same will happen with 25 mins. Today was just one of those days. You've got this!

Thanks Runip...hope so! 🙂

I'm an empty stomach morning runner. I've ventured out a couple of times in the afternoon or evening and I found that not eating two hours before a run really helps me, but everyone is different...
I also have to work really hard on hydration, I've always been guilty of not drinking enough, but ive found if I'm not hydrating properly even the day before a run, it equals a tough run.
And then sometimes a run just isn't great for whatever reason. It happens to us all.
Draw a line under it. Rest. Lace up your trainers and go back and kick that run up the backside. You've totally got this!