What's happened?: Reached week 8 and I am really... - Couch to 5K

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What's happened?

Jkay50 profile image
24 Replies

Reached week 8 and I am really struggling. I start off on my run but I just have no energy or interest. Ran for about 10 minutes and the ran and walked for the rest. Tried again on run 2 but even worse. Ran for about a minute and just couldn't go on. I ran and walked to finish but now I haven't been out again for a week. I'm quite disappointed as I was doing so well. Is this normal? I think I'll go back to week 7 and try again. I don't love running but I feel good when I've done it. Any help/advice?

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Jkay50 profile image
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24 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

Sometimes we start running and it’s not there... this happens with other aspects in life too... it’s not unusual.

Now, week 7 is 25 minutes and you’ve run that 4 times. This one is 28... yet you ran 10. Bad hair day maybe. The second attempt went worse, do now maybe we have a mental block? Are you going too fast? Are you overthinking it? Are you feeling well in general? If you can do 25, you got this... relax as much as you can and go slow and steady... the body has it. Think positive and break the wall down.

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thank you.

Piglet7969 profile image

Hi JKay50 slow your pace down, take it easy, don't be tough on yourself look how far you've come, I find 1st 10 minutes a struggle, but breathing seems to settle after that, not sure why. I find saying to myself I'll just run to next lamp post, then next road sign or whatever helps, but best advice i got given was to take it slow 🐌🐌🐌🐌

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to Piglet7969

I think I am going too slow and I'd be quicker walking.

Piglet7969 profile image
Piglet7969Graduate in reply to Jkay50

Done my 4th park run today ran full 5K twice and run walked twice, my run walk time is quicker than my full run, I found running those 1st 60 seconds 8 weeks ago a intended felt I was going to be sick, some runs now are great, then next run i have to stop after 15 minutes, keep going I'm sure even elite runners have off days.

You can do this, believe in yourself 😃😃😃

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to Piglet7969


CatMo13 profile image

Come on Jkay you can do this, you need incentive mentally more than anything. Think about how you are nearly at the end of the 9 weeks... good luck 😉

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to CatMo13


Vegout25 profile image

Hi JKay50, think back to the start of this program & how far you’ve progressed. Try running with a friend, a different route or a club to bring another dimension to your fitness. You’re doing brilliantly, you can do it. Good luck to you

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to Vegout25


I get like this too sometimes.

Forgive yourself the walking sometimes. And often run/walks can be really good because you walk less than you beat yourself up for.

There is also the very real possibility that you’re fighting off an illness and you just don’t know it...

Keep going. :)

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to

Hi, thanks. I was thinking I was fighting something off!

Jude1963 profile image

I’ve had this happen too since I graduated. Gone out and pulled up after 10 minutes or less. Having pushed through that phase I’d say it was psychological. The first 10 minutes is the toughest and all of us could give in and stop right there. When you’re feeling positive you push through that and come out of the other side in a more settled phase of running that doesn’t hurt quite so much. It’s getting to that phase that you are struggling with. You’re letting your brain take over even when your body knows what to do. It’s so easy for that to happen. My advice would be to slow right down. Go really easy on yourself, choose a slight downhill to start maybe? But go slow enough to get yourself past that awful first 10-12 minutes and come out the other side. I find once I stop and walk I simply cannot pick up a run properly after (it hurts too much) so I try never to run/walk.

Don’t give up now. You’re nearly at your goal and you can do this.

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to Jude1963

Thanks Jude! Good advice and I understand the first 10 minutes and I can usually talk myself through it but the last two runs everything felt wrong. My legs ached, my breathing was laboured. So, I will go out and try again this week.

Jude1963 profile image
Jude1963Graduate in reply to Jkay50

Oh dear, would you believe it! ?

I have to eat my words...

Just been out for the first run in 2 weeks. Thought 20 mins would be a gentle way to do it....

Pulled up to a walk at 11 minutes...🙈😂

Walk/ran the last 9 minutes and hated every second!

Oh dear!!

Let’s just both try again another day.


Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to Jude1963

Oh no! Yeah, it was a horrible feeling. I won't give up.

I have tried running previously and, like you, didn’t really enjoy it. Previously I ran in the evenings. That end of the day doesn’t really work for me. This time around I run first thing in the morning and I enjoy the lift and energy it gives me for the rest of the day. I’m still not finding the runs easy but I’m managing to keep going. Are you fuelling your body well and making sure you’re hydrated? You were doing well, so you CAN do it! X

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to

Yeah, I much prefer mornings. Thanks for the advice.

Dannybhoy625 profile image

Try week 7 again J,I feel for you. I always struggle to start with the start,the first 5 minutes are torture for me,then I settle down and get into my stride. You have done so well reaching week 8,be a pity if you stopped now. Like yourself,I'm not a big fan of running,but now I find it strangely addictive! I'm onto week 9 and keep thinking I need to go further. Hope you can keep it going,good luck.

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to Dannybhoy625

Thanks. Yes, it's a strange thing running. I don't want to do it and at the same time I do.

RedT profile image

I too get that feeling but it soon goes when I keep going! Very much mind over matter and I keep reminding myself how good I feel after a run! Mornings are easier for me than after work for sure as I have more energy and it sets me up for the day ahead! I did struggle with those last runs and had quite few where I had to keep going and the feeling did pass.

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to RedT


sunshinefish profile image

Theres a lot of bugs/illnesses going around at the moment, it's possible you are coming down with one of these/fighting it off.

It is tough, and like you I don't enjoy it too much but like the feeling afterwards. I tried listening to music on my second last run to try and change something/take my mind off the running and it worked.

To get to week 8 is great! Keep on plugging away, the end is in sight and you've done so much already.

Jkay50 profile image
Jkay50 in reply to sunshinefish


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