Just hit my first mental block got to 14 mins and I just knew it wasn’t happening tonite probably didn’t help the heavens opened just after I set off - first time I’ve had to stop mid run - just before 30 mins / kept walking but cldnt get back into a run everything felt like lead! I suppose this happens - I think I’ll repeat it again before I move on 😢 is there any knee strengthening exercises I could do to help??
W9r3: Just hit my first mental block got to 1... - Couch to 5K

Can't comment on knee strengthening..I know it can be done though..
The mental block thing has happened to me...I had got to 25 minute runs and was feeling very chuffed with myself...then had a complete wobble..the leaden feeling in limbs..brain saying this just isn't going to happen.. I think it really knocks your confidence when you are new to running. I have a serious runner colleague ( umpteen marathons, running at 9 months pregnant on day she went into labour!) ..she says don't fret over runs that don't go well..do what you can do and forget about it....think how many minutes you have done rather than the deficit. Maybe that's why she does marathons and I haven't graduated yet after 5 months 😂😂

You’ve done so well. Don’t be too hard on yourself and you’ll smash it when you give it another go. You are doing great 👏👏

Sorry about reading about your 14 minute mental block, particularly bad as it happened during your graduation run, certainly it is not a disaster, before trying it again, you ask regarding knee strengthing exercises, I have just looked up those on Youtube, there are several videos there that I am sure will help you out before once again trying to run W9R3. Go to Youtube and in the heading line type "Knee strengthening exercises"
14 mins is when my mind gremlins kick in, ignore them they are just jealous. Single leg knee dips helped me recover from a multitude of knee problems....demos on YouTube