THAT first run...: I've always been one to... - Couch to 5K

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THAT first run...

MissGMJonesy profile image
19 Replies

I've always been one to blather on about my feelings so expect a few updates on here - first of all, thank you all SO much who responded to my first post, what a lovely supportive community on here.

So, I just did my first run and ngl, it was hard... definitely found myself unable to complete a couple of the runs but I slowed my pace and actually ended up enjoying it! Really went for the last minute run and I couldn't believe how good it actually felt (stitch aside). I'm still riding the crest of happy hormones even now after I've returned home and cooled myself with a nice long bath, hoping that this course may even help with some mental health issues that I've struggled with for many years. So for those wanting an update; overall, looking pretty positive and feeling good about myself!

Now, on to desperately trying to write my dissertation, will report back re C25K if anything interesting happens! Thanks again everyone!

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MissGMJonesy profile image
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19 Replies
Lambchop35 profile image

Well done on completing your first run! The first one is the hardest in so many ways... at least I found that to be the case. It's lovely that you enjoyed it too. I'm not a prolific poster, but an avid reader of the forum. I completed the course last year and found that it did help with my mental health. I felt I was capable of achieving something and the regular exercise really did help.

It's nice to hear about how people feel about things, so blather away :-).

Also that hot bath sounds lovely.

MissGMJonesy profile image
MissGMJonesy in reply to Lambchop35

The hot (well... coool) bath was absolutely heavenly. Also got rid of beetroot Gaby so that was a pleasant bonus. ;)

UnfitNoMore profile image

Well done getting out there and getting it done. Slow is the key at the start... we are building fitness and endurance first, speed comes later. So your best pace was the one you really enjoyed.

As for mental health and running, yes it helps a lot... you even refer to these results in your post. These feelings will grow, you’ll produce more endorphins, and you’ll feel the achievement long after they fade.

So that’s the psychologically hardest run done, as it started with your butt on the couch. Enjoy the next and keep smashing it.

YamCat profile image

Well done on your first run. Dissertation - I feel your pain. I’m in the process of writing up a ‘special study’. Not quite a dissertation but 8000 words. It’s the final assignment for my course and I’ll be so glad when it’s finished! The running is my reward at the moment when I’ve done my quota of words for the day.

MissGMJonesy profile image
MissGMJonesy in reply to YamCat

My dissertation when it's finished is going to be around 15,000 words... honestly feel like I'm losing my mind right now. But either way, 8000 is no easy feat either, so I 100% feel the pains back.

Mine is about tracking the early modern belief in fairies and the witches familiar spirit, and I honestly never thought I'd say I'm sick to the back teeth of imps and goblins but here we are... Whats your topic on?

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to MissGMJonesy

For a short report that's easy. "It was long ago and people were stupid." Tadah!

I wonder what people will say about us in a few hundred years...

YamCat profile image

Using additional multi sensory stimuli (visual and tactile) to enhance enjoyment of music for deafblind learners with profound and multiple disabilities. Yours sounds much more interesting, but then I’m not the one writing it 😆

Ginger_runner profile image

Mental health is the main reason I started - I've suffered horrible anxiety for most of my life - and it has helped enormously! Keep at it, the running side gets easier and the endorphins it releases get pretty addictive. I've been meditating a bit with an app as I cool down which I'd recommend too!

MVBrown profile image
MVBrownGraduate in reply to Ginger_runner

Thanks for sharing this as someone had found their relatives unsupportive and I only hope that you had posted to their question as well. I couldn’t think of how to phrase the positives of running and you’ve just reminded me of a host of reasons why people should take up running or at least the C25K programme. But don’t you think it’s about being ready for the change as well. Sorry to be so long.

MissGMJonesy profile image
MissGMJonesy in reply to MVBrown

I think it definitely is about being ready to change - I’m still unsure as to whether or not this is one of my mad get fit moments or actually committing but obviously I’m hoping it’s the latter. Right now, I feel like I’m ready and wanting to change but I can but wait and see.

As for relatives being unsupportive, I’m sorry to hear that, whilst my relatives have never outright been unsupportive with exercise - my Dad has at times been terrible at bringing fattening food into the house when I’m trying to lose weight. So I kind of get you. What I would say is, although I’ve only been on here less than 12 hours, it seems like the community here are amazing so maybe try and look to here for support? I know it’s not perfect but at least it’s something.

(You’re also always welcome to drop me a PM if you want to) x

Norfolk18 profile image
Norfolk18Graduate in reply to MissGMJonesy

I have found that this forum is as addictive as the running itself. The support and positivity from complete strangers is amazing and so inspirational.

I finish a run and I can’t wait to do the next one, but that has taken a few weeks to get to that stage ( I did w6r1 this morning). I got up with terrible anxiety this morning and by the time I had finished the runI felt so much better and more relaxed. I hope this programme will help clear your mind and give you real health benefits. Keep us updated with how you get on 👍 and well done for getting up off that couch !

in reply to MVBrown

"But don’t you think it’s about being ready for the change as well. " Yes!

I have read about Couch to 5K for years. Not obsessively! Just I'd see it referenced, kind of glance at it, but KNOW I couldn't ever do it. That's for "other people". Not me.

I will be starting Week 9 this week and I literally for all the life of me CANNOT figure out how I started this. I am not joking, I try to reverse engineer it, wrack my brain to remember how on earth I downloaded an app and decided I was a person who would attempt this. I remember all the emotion and anxiety of starting, the doubts, the excitement. But I cannot access the memory of how I became ready. Craziness! I am being denied my own origin story, haha.

Languid_Lil profile image
Languid_LilGraduate in reply to

"I have read about Couch to 5K for years. Not obsessively! Just I'd see it referenced, kind of glance at it, but KNOW I couldn't ever do it. That's for "other people". Not me."

Me too! Exactly that! This app is magic!

And MissGMJonesy you're right, this is a lovely supportive community and IMHO the running will help in so many different ways. Go for it!

The mental health benefits are off the charts.

1. I have the misfortune of being a sweaty beast. It has always been a source of some embarrassment when doing any exercise-the red face and damp fringe seem disproportionate to what I'm actually doing!

But this program (and the sweltering summer) has been freeing in that regard! I literally feel anxiety, depression, toxins, whatever pouring out of my pores. I actively envision it and think it through while running and find it hugely empowering. Sweating my troubles away.

2. Self-esteem. You have a goal, take small manageable steps (no pun intended) and have small victories. Are you even kidding me right now? The times I have surprised myself are countless. Fabulous.

Even the times I didn't accomplish what I wanted, I learned something really important.

3. The link between breathing and meditation is key.

This can feel like a moving meditation.

4. Endorphins!

Ginger_runner profile image
Ginger_runner in reply to

Ha, I totally know what you're on about here. I feel so calm (and very knackered) after my runs.

But your right it's like it all leaves your system and evaporates into the ether, way better than any other therapy I've had...

Crawlhome profile image

Well done on doing your first run and even better, you're aware you enjoyed it. 😃

I work in mental health and had my own issues with mental illness, exercise is a major way of treating this and I've been a long term advocate of this.

Personally I've used exercise and mindful meditation for years but I've recently found running outside covers more than other exercise. After all when I'm outside I'm purely focused on sensation and surroundings for 30 minutes and I feel much calmer and balanced as a result.

Good luck with your running journey wherever it takes you. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Loopol profile image
Loopol in reply to Crawlhome

I too work in mental health and can also vouch for benefit of exercise on our well being. I know I’ve only just started the c25k but up until we moved almost 4 years ago I went to the gym several times a week, not weights but spinning and other cardio stuff. I moved and have never got back in to it but know how much better I felt mentally as well as physically when exercising.

LittleMaz profile image

Well done. I agree running sure helps with mental health issues. Whenever you feel down, go for a run - you may not feel like it, but focus on it and it's amazing what a difference it makes x

LittleMaz profile image

I started mine in may after recovering from hysterectomy, I've had anxiety for years. Depression and even a suicide attempt. I've now done 2 park runs, getting a PB of 30.39 on Saturday, have split from my partner and aim to do Yorkshire 3 peaks on 1st September. Everything I've got from C25K program has been a huge position. I can't speak highly enough of it. Keep going. Life gets better. Fitness, mental health and just the world in general. I'm looking forward to hearing more. And good luck with your dissertation

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