So with over 10 stone to lose this is the start. Can’t believe I did run one straight off. I thought of I’ll do 15 mins then do the other half but no it only did the whole 30!! Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Larger than I should: So with over 10 stone to... - Couch to 5K
Larger than I should

Whoop whoop 🎉🎉
Enjoy your rest day tomorrow. There are loads of yoga for runners video's on YouTube if you start to discover new muscles complaining they had to work.

Amazing Lard-2-lean, I am 10 stone, (10st.5lbs to be precise) you have to lose 10 stone and you ran for a whole 30 minutes, I assume that was run 1 of week 9, congratulations.

Great job. By the end of this you’ll be able to burn fat. Gotta say I couldn’t have done a minute when I was overweight, I struggled at normal BMI to be honest, I’m impressed. Enjoy rest day and nail the next run.

Fantastic! I can recommend slimming world btw. You’ve taken the first step so well done! Stick to this forum as the support is fantastic!

Well done! It might look a lot, but focus on losing it a pound at a time, the same as we run a minute at a time. You can do it!
Check you out!! Well done 👍

Congratulations on completing run 1 (not sure if I read correctly but think you mean run1 of week 1) this was the one where I realised just how unfit I was. Keep up the good work and we will all be at the finish line when you graduate

Just think... this time next year you’ll be running distances you never dreamt of, you will be fit and the bonus is you’ll look good. This is the start of a journey for you... keep it up. Well done and good luck!