So today I completed my run 3 and it felt good. Weather had cooled down a bit, it was a bit drizzly, but that was ok and I was doing alright. Off I went going great guns when it happened, my Babs Windsor moment!
So let me explain. I’m a big bosomed girl, what always put me off running was the lack of a secure sports bra to hold the girls down. I was told you could get great ones now and bought a few with a very sturdy zip up the front. After wrestling the girls in they have, up to now been very contained, but today within my first five minutes the zip just opened! I felt something go and thought it was my jacket and then the bottom of the zip popped and all hell broke loose. There I was laughing my arse off trying to do the zip back up without flashing the whole neighbourhood. Thankfully I run on a pretty quiet route and managed not to be seen (I hope) I started off again and spent the rest of my run giggling to myself and constantly checking that damn zip
I realised that apart from it being really funny, I have become more confident in myself and my ability to run for a long stint, although I am rather less confident in my new sports bra! 😂