Any advice very welcome. I graduated a couple of months ago but have had to take about 3 weeks off running after developing a sore ankle - l’m pretty sure it’s fine now and was likely a mild achilies strain but it was getting steadily worse with each run so l needed to rest it properly and strengthen it etc.
In addition to this I’ve also had various aches and pains particularly in my knees -which my GP thinks may be the on set of osteo arthritus so having investigations and doing strengthening exercises etc which is a super pain in the back side! However all the health professionals lve met Dr, Physio etc are positive about me continuing to run so ld like to get back out there. I was thinking to restart the program maybe at week 3 and take it easy - but lm a bit concerned l will lose all the fitness lve built up if l go back to the beginning. I was regularly running 5 K before and enjoying it so much (aside from aches and pains!) has anyone had similar issues and found a good way to get back into it slowly.