Having graduated last year, and loved this programme, everything went well for about a month, but Missing the structure of the programme things started slipping away and 6 months later I was a stone and a half heavier and had stopped running completely. So had a look at my bmi on the nhs calculator and turns out at 12 stone 6 and 5,3 that makes me obese.
So decided to do something about it.. I signed up for 5x50.
I changed my eating habits, and upped my water intake and started reading everyone's motivational posts on here oh and I bought a jawbone up tracker. Greatest thing in the world by the way, I'm obsessed.
Absolutely loving getting back into the running. It's hard but rewarding, I've went back to using the podcasts, but using them a little Differently, it seems to be working for me. I'm doing a slow jog on the walking phases and a steady run on the faster bits. Like interval training I guess. This will hopefully get me up to a faster speed than what I used to run at, I was never able to get my 5k to under 30 minutes as I only ever had one speed, a slow jog. Not there yet, 4km in 30 minutes is the closest I've got, but I know I will get there.
So I'm on week 4 of my own version of the programme and loving it. Alternating my days of cycling and running. Day 30 of the 5x50 event. And down to 11 stone 11. My jawbone up tells me I'm doing on average 30,000 steps a day about 20km. 1k. An hour at work and 5k exercise and the rest is dog walking.
Some days are really hard, when I just can't be bothered going out for a 5k run or cycle, esp when it's raining, but the main thing is I'm doing it. The drive and determination that all started from this little forum has really changed me as a person
Love being back....